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"Ladies and Gentlemen! Children and children at heart!"

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"Ladies and Gentlemen! Children and children at heart!"

"Feels weird coming to a show without the rest of the Team." Zatanna hummed and I nodded. "Where are your kids?"

"Streets are empty which means crime increases. But it's fine, Babs is live streaming everything since Dick hid a camera here somewhere. Steph is probably out imitating him somewhere." I waved it off and handed her some popcorn. "Despite its dark past, Dick truly loves this place and loves performing. He could've joined any other ring, but he still chose Haly's."

"It brings him closer to his parents, M."

"Our latest star is here for a final show! Allow me to present the final performance of the one, the only... Daring Dan Danger!" Haly introduced and Zatanna and I stood up to cheer, making Dick immediately notice us. "Now, Dan has had hundreds of adventures, but his mission tonight is nothing short of a flight to the stars!"

"And without a net... this man definitely knows how to increase my anxiety levels to a maximum." I sighed, sitting back down and grabbed Zatanna's hand.

"Why does still go by Dan here?"

"If anyone finds out he's the last one flying, the Court will make an appearance again... I made the deal with Haly when he left to give me some peace of mind."

"So he was finally going to reveal himself as the last one?"

"Yep... but with it being so close to the due date and Jade couldn't fully take down the Court before she left, we decided not to risk it... He wants his final performance to be using his last name and with Vi if she ever wants to be an acrobat when she's older."

"A new generation of Flying Graysons." Zatanna chuckled and I smiled. "I'm sure with both of her parents being acrobats and her daddy's love for the arts, she'll fall in love with it too."

"We can only hope, Zee."

。゚•┈୨🃏୧┈• 。゚

"Great show."

"Zee! Thinking about joining up? Heard there's a spot open."

"Not when she's the aunt of the child that's gonna be born in about a month." I smirked and Dick immediately engulfed me in a hug. "You're sweaty."

"I missed you, so I don't care." He smiled and kissed me before leaning down to kiss my bump. "How are my two girls?"

"She's doing somersaults in there when I try to sleep... and I may or may not almost peed myself walking backstage."

"Focus. You two can be adorable later. We have more important matters at hand." Zatanna scolded and Dick raised an eyebrow.

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