𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘨𝘦́𝘦?

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"You have the security system of a bird's nest

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"You have the security system of a bird's nest."

"Because I trained you to hack it in case of emergencies."

"Please... I hacked the JL's system when I was eleven with a computer from the nineties. This is nothing." I smirked, propping my feet on Bruce's desk as he closed the door to his office. "I need help."

"That's a first." He smirked, throwing me a banana. "Take it you haven't eaten."

"Aunt Selina dragged me and Jason out to buy him a whole new wardrobe, so no. With your credit card, by the way. I was instructed to return it." I shrugged, placing the card on the desk.

"And Dick?"

"With the boys at Central City somewhere. The Team wants to meet Jace, so we're taking him to spend the night in the Cave tonight."

"Did Selina talk to you about-"

"Nope, and that's what I come to talk to you about."

"Maeve, it's been almost a year since-"

"It's not that simple, Dad." I interrupted and stood up when he forced me off his chair. "I mean, I have no problem with you being my dad because J's an asshole who literally killed me once... but Harley actually tried to take care of me sometimes."

"Harley was the one who suggested it, Mae." Bruce assured and I sighed.

"But she's my mom, y'know? I never had a dad, but I had someone who attempted to be a mom..."

"I'm proud of you, y'know? Last year, you didn't even want to see her. Now, you're at least recognizing she's your mom."

"Yeah, I know. No need to rub it in." I rolled my eyes, slouching in my seat. "I don't know what to do, Dad... I don't wanna make it weird."

"Weird how, Mae?"

"Because you and Selina have whatever it is going on. And me calling her 'Mom' while my actual mom is her best friend is kinda weird too."

"What I have with Selina is-"

"Your own fault because you keep putting the mission first, Dad... you're gonna permanently lose her if you keep this up."

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