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"Pass me the knife and bombs?"

"Why didn't you wear this when we were fighting with Freeze!?"

"Because Freeze is stupid and he isn't a genetics lab in the middle of DC." I said, strapping on my belt. "Think I can convince Batman to let me use a mouth mask instead of this one?"

"Why would you hide it?" Aqualad asked and I shrugged.

"Long story."

"Whatever the story is, you shouldn't hide it. It's a part of you, Domino."

"Besides, it makes you look really cool." Kid smiled and Robin nodded in agreement. "Why hide it?"

"Because I don't want to be reminded of it every single day, that's why."

"Then what's gonna happen when the night ends and you have to take off your mask? What then? Or are you going to walk around with the mask all the time?" Aqualad butted and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Don't run away from it, Domino. It's going to catch up and destroy you if you do."

"And it enhances her smile... Domino's real smile is actually very pretty." Robin shrugged and we all flinched when there was an explosion.

"And that's my cue. Try to catch up." Kid smirked before speeding away, Aqualad trailing behind.

"He's right, Mae. You shouldn't hide it." Dick called out. "It's a part of who you are... and we could talk to Bruce and see if you're ready for another-"

"Nope! No more surgeries, I'm tired of eating out of a straw and my face being swollen and bruised for weeks." I cut him off and grabbed my bat. "We're gonna be late and we need a plan."

"Head to the roof as always?"

"You read my mind, Dick."

。゚•┈୨🃏୧┈• 。゚



"It's time." Dick said, pulling out a syringe of Joker venom from his belt and I groaned.

Being injected with Joker venom since birth caused my body to create antibodies to make me immune, but it also caused me to form an addiction to the venom to the point where I go insane without it.

Bruce tried to find a way for me to break my addiction, but it resulted in me spending a few weeks locked in the Bat Cave because I accidentally set Arkham on fire and disappeared for almost a month. When the League found me, I was in an alleyway in Metropolis about to kill a civilian and laughing just like my father.

So now, I have to be injected with venom everyday, but it's mixed with a counter reagent to keep it at bay until we find a permanent cure.

"Can't it wait? I have a feeling that we're gonna need me to go slightly insane." I begged but Dick shook his head. "Just until after the mission. You know that thing makes me drowsy afterwards."

"Only until the moment we finish the mission. After that, you're getting your rabies shot." He smirked and I punched his shoulder. "Hey!"

"Rabies?" Kid laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Another long story?"

"Way too long."

"I think there was something in the elevator." Aqualad rushed in to the room we're in and we all tilted our heads.

"Elevator's should be on lockdown." Kid said and we all rushed to the elevators.

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