𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳, 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢

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Eight months later

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Eight months later...

Recognized: Domino, B-001

"Can't believe you let me sleep till three in the afternoon. I told you I wanted to join Beta on their mission."

"You haven't slept in a week. I'm fulfilling my boyfriend duties. And they're dealing with a UN threat, you hate politics."

"And do those boyfriend duties require leaving me on our anniversary?" I asked with raised eyebrows. Dick immediately picked me up and spun me around with a laugh.

"I kissed you at midnight... the same hour of our anniversary." He smiled but kissed me nonetheless. "Happy new year... and happy anniversary."

"Happy anniversary, hon." I smiled back and kissed him again.

Recognized: Superboy, B-0-4.
Miss Martian, B-0-5.
Bumblebee, B-1-7.
Beast Boy, B-1-9.
Robin, B-2-0.
Blue Beetle, B-2-2.

"Clayface is safely back in his Arkham cell." Tim called out as Dick slowly set me down.

"Good work." We both said in unison.

"I didn't do much. I just-"

"If the mission was a success and everyone came home, that's all that matters, Robin. Hit the showers, you smell like sewer." I smirked.

After killing the Joker and taking a small leave of absence to grieve, I actually grew to tolerate Tim.

I'm not okay with Bruce deciding to train him as Robin, but it still happened.

Which is why I haven't talked to Bruce properly in two months when I saw Tim joining the Team.

But I know it's not Tim's fault in the long run. It's the cost of living with the Batman.

You get trained like a soldier eventually.

Dick and I barely talk about the night I killed Joker. We've decided to move past it and work outside of Gotham to try and make peace with that night.

So far, life's been nice.

Freedom's been nice.

"Domino, M'gann and SB, we're called to the Watchtower." Dick said, pulling me to the Zeta Tube. "Guess we'll have to postpone movie night, hon."

"Duty calls, birdie."

。゚•┈୨🃏୧┈• 。゚

"That's a Krolotean. And Kroloteans always travel in packs."

"Meaning more of them on Earth."

"I believe my friend may have vital information on that point. Some of you have not met Adam Strange of S.T.A.R. Labs' Erdel Initiative." J'onn introduced. "He is the scientist responsible... for maintaining the Zeta-Beam technology we use for teleportation."

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