𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘸𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘵

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next few chapters are gonna be from Dick's POV and they're all gonna be flashbacks.

~Dick's POV~

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~Dick's POV~

"And it's decoding... again."

"We've got about six hours to kill if lucky." Maeve sighed, laying on the floor. "That thing's gonna be the death of me, I swear."

"Hey, I have a question." Our new recruit, Lagoon Boy, called out and we all turned to him. "How exactly did Nightwing and Domino meet? Because, and no offense, but how did someone related to a sociopath could-"

"Offense." Maeve narrowed her eyes and he took a step back. "How the Joker's daughter managed to run with the Bats instead of killing half of Gotham city?"

"Domino..." Zatanna warned as she stood up and walked to the kitchen, Artemis and Raquel following suit. "I swear, she wasn't like this yesterday. What happened!?"

"She's having a bad day." I said, not tearing my eyes off her. "And last night we were dealing with Scarecrow."

"Isn't she immune?" Wally butted. "The whole venom thing having traces of fear toxin?"

"Somehow, he knows about the little one. I don't know what she saw in those mirrors, but-"

"Hold up... he knows about him!?" Connor exclaimed, covering Jason's ears.

"Scarecrow said that he knows about Robin... three guesses on who it is."

"Does Batman-"

"Nope, and it's staying that way." Maeve interrupted, walking towards us with a sigh and gestured for Connor to uncover Jason's ears. "Sorry, LG... but you're new and don't know the story."

"It's a long one." I chuckled, pulling her to my side and kissed her temple. "You alright?"

"Brain's going haywire again... I'll get over it."

"I... I wanna know the story." Jason shrugged and we all turned to him. "What!? I've been living with the two lovebirds for almost a year and all I know is that Domino cheated death and had like five hundred surgeries to stay alive!"

"Robin, I don't think-"

"You tell it, Nightwing. Out of everyone, the only people here who know are Wally and Kaldur." Maeve assured and removed her mask. "And call me Maeve, Lagoon Boy."

"Can I take off-"

"No." We both replied in unison and Jason grumbled something under his breath. "Do as we say, not as we do."

"God, I hate it when the Wonder Kids sync like that." Artemis shuddered and we all laughed, moving to the sofas. "Floor's yours, Nightwing."

"Okay, okay... it was my first year as Robin... Batman and I just managed to take down Harley when..."

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