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"Domino, watch your six!"

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"Domino, watch your six!"

"Y'know, I didn't expect to be caught in the middle of a gang war the moment we come back from Greece!"

"It's a welcome home party." Dick smirked as we both hid behind some crates. "Though, you're slowing down and looking greener. You weren't ovulating, right?"

"Remind me to check my calendar. I was thinking the same thing, but I took a test and it came back negative." I shrugged, grabbing one of my guns. "Zee's not gonna be too happy about that."

"Don't tell her."

"Oh, I won't."

"Domino, I've got visual." Barbara called out through the comms just as a droid flew past us. "The Falcones are at it again... and welcome home, you two."

"The hell are the Falcones doing on my turf!? This is Blüdhaven, not Gotham!" I exclaimed and fought the urge to gag. "CARMINE, I'M COMING FOR YOUR ASS!"

"Boss won't like that." One of the goons yelled and I shot him on the shoulder. "You bitch!"

"Yes, I am!"

"Damn straight!" Dick yelled and I raised my eyebrows. "I love you?"

"Dude, you just got back and now you're gonna sleep in the dog house. You don't even have a dog yet!" Barbara laughed.

"Y'know what? I'm giving him a pass. I'm too tired and ticked off to deal with it." I waved it off and grabbed the crowbar. "I just wanna break some teeth and get to bed."

"I'm scared to ask... you sore?"

"Nope. I think jet lag or something. Our flight back was delayed twice." I mumbled, taking a step but immediately fell to my knees. "Shit!"

"Shit!" Dick exclaimed, rushing to my side. "Domino, you alright?"

"I'm fine!" I pushed him away and vomited part of the Venom along with something red. "Okay, maybe not so fine."

"Sweetheart, your eyes are glowing. I haven't seen them glow like that since Louisiana and we were thirteen."

"Nightwing, talk to me!" Oracle begged as Dick tried to help me stand but my legs kept giving out and I vomited again all over my suit before collapsing in his arms. "Nightwing!"

"Joker Venom's is finally fighting back. She's vomiting blood and can barely stand on her own."

"She's what!?"

"Get the danger twins and Orphan to finish this. Call her doctors and tell them to meet us at the emergency room. I'm dressing her up in civvies." He ordered and shielded me from the gun blasts.

"Already on it. I alerted Artemis as well. She's on her way."

。゚•┈୨🃏୧┈• 。゚

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