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~Dick's POV~

"Where were you?"

"Outside on the beach... why?"

"Canary's here. Today's combat training." I said and Maeve groaned, pulling at her pigtails. "You have sand on your face."

I reached out to wipe away the sand off her cheek, dangerously close to her carved smile making her flinch and take a step back, holding her face. I immediately went to apologize, but Maeve just turned around and walked away without another word.

"What was that about?" Wally asked from behind me and I shrugged.

"Guess she doesn't like people touching her face."

"Class is in session!" Canary called out standing in front of Maeve who was holding the back of her jacket, still holding her cheek with her other hand. "I consider it an honor to be your teacher. I'll throw a lot at you, everything I've learned from my own mentors, and my own bruises... Robin and Domino, step up to the mat please."

"Of course the Bat twins are paired together." Superboy rolled his eyes.

"Against each other, as per Batman's request. Robin and Domino have always trained together, never apart. Domino adapts to her surroundings in a split second... I want to see how Robin reacts when the fight isn't in his favor."

"How do you know that it won't be in his favor? We've never seen them against each other since the Team was formed." Megan called out.

"You really think Domino will give up control? The reports from your last mission says otherwise." Canary smirked once we stepped in the mat. "Whenever you're ready, kids. Remember, just because you make the first move, doesn't mean you control the fight. Study your opponent's weak spots and aim for them... The goal is to pin, not injure. Leave that for the field."

Letting out a small nod, Maeve immediately crouched and aimed for my legs. I did a flip and landed right behind her.

"Good, Robin!" Canary praised, circling the mat and Maeve stood up with a huff. "Combat is about controlling conflict. Putting the battle on your terms. You should always be acting, never reacting."

Maeve and I both ran towards each other, but she immediately got the upper hand by jumping over me and kicked my back. I immediately turned around and grabbed her arm, bending it against her back.

"Give up?" I teased.

"Fat chance." She grumbled, turning around and climbed on my shoulders before back flipping both of us to the mat. Maeve immediately flipped again to land on top of me and pin my shoulders down with a smirk. "You just lost to a girl, Boy Wonder."

"Good job, Domino." Canary smiled when Maeve stood up and offered her hand for me to take. "Anyone care to point out what Robin did wrong?"

"Other than the fact he lost to a girl?" Wally snickered.

"He didn't take in his surroundings. Domino quickly adapted and turned the tables when Robin thought he had the upper hand. Studying your opponent is extremely important in times of-"

"Oh please... With my powers, the battle's always on my terms. I'm a living weapon and this is a waste of my time!" Superboy scoffed.

"Prove it." Canary shrugged and gestured to Maeve who was trying to hide behind her again. "You and Domino, one on one."

Superboy stepped on the mat and Maeve sighed before doing the same. They both circled each other before he charged at her.

However, Maeve swiftly slid under Superboy and kicked the back of his knees, causing him to fall face first on the mat.

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