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~Dick's POV~

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~Dick's POV~

"No, no! Take me instead, Joker! Just don't hurt him anymore... I'm begging you to not hurt my boy!"

"Nightwing, what's-"

"I haven't seen that clip before." I mumbled, knocking out one of Jason's men and turned to the billboard which was currently replaying a video of Maeve and Jason from their time in Arkham.

"NIGHTWING! NIGHTWING, PLEASE!" Maeve yelled, being wrapped in barbed wire while her smile was being stretched and Jason was barely conscious on the ground in a pool of blood. "NIGHTWING!"

"The Boy Wonder won't save you now, Acey." Joker taunted, ripping the sleeves of her suit and she cried out in pain. "Your life isn't yours... it's mine and I get to do with it as I please."

"Please... kill us. For the love of God, kill us." Jason begged from the ground.

"Mommy... I want my mom." Maeve whimpered, her eyes going blank as blood fell from her arms and mouth. "My mom makes it better... I want my mommy."

"Nightwing... it's not your fault." Bruce reminded and placed a hand on my shoulder. "None of it was your fault."

"Part of it was. I didn't get there in time."

"Please tell me that's not what I think it is, bird brain." Kate called out, landing next to me and I nodded. "I'm gonna kill that guy."

"All you have to do is come back home to Daddy, Acey. Come back home and I'll let your Robin go and won't bother him or the Boy Blunder ever again... they'll be safe from me, Ace." Joker grinned right as Jason managed to stand, his eyes practically glowing. "Ooh, looks like the toxin is working, Craney!"

"Robin... Nightwing... I'll go-"

"Don't finish that sentence, Domino." Jason interrupted and grabbed the crowbar. "She's not a pawn in your game anymore, Joker."

"That's right, baby bird!" Joker exclaimed, kicking Jason back to the floor and threw Maeve next to him before grabbing a bright red branding iron. "You both are."

"No... not again, please! Not again!" Maeve wailed, trying to crawl back but Joker grabbed her legs and tightened the barbed wire. "BATMAN!"

"The Batman's not coming to save you, Ace. He doesn't care about either of you... he never did."


"Then why hasn't he found you when you're right in front of them?" He taunted, flipping Maeve onto her stomach and pulled her hair until she lifted her head. "Smile big for the camera, sweetheart. And always remember... your daddy loves you."

"Batman... your daughter is gone." The video switched to a live footage of Crane who moved the camera to reveal Maeve dressed exactly like Harley, Jason standing right behind her. "This is what she was meant to become. Who are you to deny her fate?"

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