𝘊𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵

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"You're staying on the sidelines, Richard Grayson!"

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"You're staying on the sidelines, Richard Grayson!"


"You got shot, Joker's running amok, Bruce had a bad day, and Jason's joining us tonight." I warned and heard him sigh from behind the changing curtain. "Now, get out of there before Bruce comes and yells at us again... Jason! If you're not down in three minutes, you're staying and helping Alfred clean the carpets!"

"What do you think of the new look?" Dick asked, stepping out in his new suit and my eyes widened. "I take it that you like it."

"Maybe..." I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Black and blue? What happened to the red and yellow?"

"Reminds me of a certain someone's stealth suit."

"You know I stopped wearing my stealth suit for like almost two years now, right?"

"Bring it back, I miss it." He smiled and pecked my lips. "Then we can be that stupid couple that's always matching."

"Maybe... when Artemis wears hers and matches with Wally." I smirked and pulled away, noticing Jason try to discreetly hide behind the computer. "Which reminds me, you cracked the hard drive?"

"Not yet, but Wally was gonna work on it tonight."

"I'll help him tomorrow. I'm getting really good at the tech stuff!"

"You better since the first thing you learned was to hack the League's system." Bruce called out with a small smile. "Hopefully tonight's gonna be a-"

"Don't say the 'q' word!" Dick and I yelled.

"Sorry... Jason, let's go! If you can't suit up at home base, I'm concerned how you would handle in the field!"

"Got word from the GCPD that Riddler's on the run again." Dick said, leaning back against the computer right behind where I saw Jason crawl into.

"Him, Joker, Ivy, Harley, Pyg Scarecrow... what else is new?" I mused taking a cup of coffee from Alfred. "Mmm... Kaldur said that Connor, Zee, him and I have to go to Bosnia in like two days. Word is that there's this nuclear bomb threat again and something with Luthor I couldn't understand. You guys will stay behind to monitor and to keep trying to crack that hard drive if I can't do it with Wall tomorrow."

"Sounds fun."

"Sounds boring, actually. Should be a few hours max and then I'll be back in time for your mathlete competition."

"Jason!" Bruce yelled again and I held back a smirk, noticing his little feet walking away.

"Perhaps Master Jason is brooding. Master Dick spent at least thirty minutes admiring his reflection when he first donned the cape." Alfred said and I laughed.

"You're joking? Please tell me you're not joking, Alfred."

"I looked damn good in that suit!" Dick defended.

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