𝘊𝘰𝘥𝘦 𝘔𝘰𝘮

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a/n: i may or may not be foreshadowing here ;)

and a little surprise at the end.
lizziesatlzmangf thinking about you and you're welcome

 lizziesatlzmangf thinking about you and you're welcome

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"Mae, your gauntlet's blinking."

"Robin? I thought the debrief said-"

"CODE MOM!" Jason's voice rung out followed by gunshots and a very familiar laugh, making Connor and I tense and glance at each other.

"I'll get Sphere and try to radio the Team." He said, running to the back while I grabbed my belt and filled it with bombs. From the corner of my eye, I saw my old gun and decided to grab it, securing it on my thigh holster and put on a bulletproof vest just in case.

"What's going on, Robin?" I asked, slinging the bat over my shoulder and sprinted to the back of the Cave.

"It's Joker! Where's Nightwing!?"

"Nightwing isn't with you!?" I screamed, stopping in the middle of the hallway and held my chest tight.

"We all had to split..."

"Dick, I am going to castrate you when we get back." I mumbled to myself and Connor widened his eyes before dragging me to Sphere. "Find somewhere to hide, Robin. SB and I are on our way."

"I don't think I'm cut out for this, Domino." Jason admitted and I sighed, taking the wheel Sphere formed and flew away.

"Yes, you are, Jason. I trained you myself and I'll get you out of trouble."


"Swear it, little bird... I'm on my way." I said and ended the transmission. "I'm going to kill my boyfriend and my father when I find them, I swear."

"Therapy with Canary stopped working?" Connor mused.

"Oh, I stopped going to therapy a while ago. I'm choosing violence from now on."

"Seems like something you'd do. And let me guess, your first job is-"

"To make sure Dick gets another nickname after I'm done with him." I grumbled, slipping on my mask just as Connor held my hand tight.

"Joker won't get to him, Maeve."

"Joker already got him, Connor. And the Team is nowhere to be found!"

"I sent them all to Jason's location. Hopefully, he'll already be on Bioship before we even get there!"

"I should've known he wasn't ready to be out on his own like this! He's thirteen!"

"You were thirteen when you broke me out of CADMUS." He pointed out and I slumped in my seat.

"Jason is my responsibility, Connor. He's my Robin. Anything happens to him, I'm responsible."

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