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a/n: this whole Arkham arc is going to HURT and I haven't even begun writing it yet

a/n: this whole Arkham arc is going to HURT and I haven't even begun writing it yet

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"So, maybe we can go crib shopping-"

"Done for. We're just waiting for the gender before we start painting the nursery. I've never seen Dick so excited, Artemis."

"Girl, he's been waiting for this probably since you two were thirteen!" Artemis exclaimed, parking the car in her garage. "And you should be too!"

"I am, I swear!" I laughed, unbuckling Lian from her car seat and held her. "Tim joined the Outsiders recently. With Damian becoming the new Robin, everyone's been on edge recently."

"Yeah, Dick had a full on rant the other day because of it. What is it with Bruce giving that title out for free?"

"The Batman needs a Robin and Dick keeps refusing to go back to it. But it keeps the demon spawn at bay and not trying to kill everything in his path, so I guess it's fine."

"Reminds me of someone I know."

"In my defense, Damian and I were raised by sociopaths. His mother is Talia for crying out loud!"

"Suddenly, I feel bad for the devil child." Artemis shuddered, opening the door to reveal Kaldur, Dick and Will with tears streaming down her face. "Who died and how soon do I have to pick out something black?"

"I think you both should sit down, especially you Maeve." Kaldur gently escorted me inside and Dick took Lian.

"Who is it?" I asked and sat on the couch but they stayed silent. "Who!?"

"It's Connor... he's gone." Will finally spoke and I froze.

Three brothers gone...

"Connor? But-but he's the strong one! He's my big brother. He-he can't be gone..." I managed to say before falling to a fit of sobs. Dick quickly set Lian on the ground and wrapped his arms around me tight. "Not another one... I can't handle another one being gone."

"I've got you... it's okay." Dick whispered and I heard Artemis begin to cry as well.

"Oh, and M'gann! How's she-"

"I stopped by but she refused to open the door. Tim called and said that Gar is refusing to leave his room as well." Kaldur answered.

"He was my big brother... the one who somehow always managed to understand what I was feeling." I cried, feeling Lian climb into my lap. "And I don't know how to help M'gann now and-"

"We give her space but stand at arm's length to catch her if she falls." Artemis said, wiping her tears. "I'll stop by in the morning to check on her."

"My brother... I loved him so much."

"And so did he." Dick assured and I nodded shakily.

"He was so happy to marry M'gann... we talked about it so much before they left for Mars... All of us were finally happy. We were all together again."

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