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a/n; i think i found my mojo in updating these stories again!
(that or i've been daydreaming way too much over these books)

a/n; i think i found my mojo in updating these stories again! (that or i've been daydreaming way too much over these books)

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"Auntie Monkey! Uncle Dick!"

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"Auntie Monkey! Uncle Dick!"

"Easy there, munchkin. Your auntie monkey is a little fragile." Dick laughed, swiftly picking up Lian and set her on my lap.

Today's the first day of the anti-venom treatment.

Until my body can get used to the Joker Venom rejection, I've been advised to stay in bed or in a wheelchair.

For two weeks, I have to be hooked up to a diluted version of the anti-venom to test how my body reacts. So far, the only side effect is random vomiting and fever.

So I'd say it's working so far.

"Mind if I crash here? Can't stay with Babs because she's working a case with my dad and I don't want to get involved and Zee's apartment has too many stairs and she's away most of the day." I asked and Will immediately nodded. "I know you have a full house, so I'll stay with Artemis in her room."

"Hey, it'll be like old times!" She grinned. "But might I ask where you're going, Richard?"

"Jeff sent me a lead on Granny. M'gann gave me the all-clear that the Team isn't going to get involved, so I decided to go check it out with him. I wasn't going to, given Mae's situation but-"

"I told him that if he wasn't going, I'd grab the..." I covered Lian's ears. "Shove it so far up his ass he'll be coughing up bits of metal until the day he dies and permanently walk with a limp after I bash in his kneecaps."

"And you're willingly getting married to that!?" Will yelled.

"Honestly... that's pretty tame for the ones she used to yell at Tim whenever he was doing something he wasn't supposed to." Dick shrugged and leaned down to peck my lips making Lian gag. "I'll see you in a few days, M. And you better be good to your auntie Monkey or I won't bring you a present, Lian... Promise me you'll be good?"

"Promise!" Lian grinned and linked pinkies with him. "Love, uncle Dick!"

"I love you too, little munchkin." He smiled and turned to Artemis. "I'll text you the instructions of the treatment, but the IV should be changed every six to eight hours and make her walk around the house in between so she keeps up her strength. She's taking mostly fluids because she can barely keep anything down, so I suggest keeping a bucket near her or something. As for the meds she has to take-"

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