𝘚𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘢

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"Do you two always match your clothes? Or does Batman coordinate outfits for you two?"

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"Do you two always match your clothes? Or does Batman coordinate outfits for you two?"

"No, Robin just stole my hoodie this morning because he has no clean clothes. Downside of being the only girl in a house full of testosterone, there's always a mess somewhere and dirty laundry."

"More like it was mine before it disappeared for two months." Dick called out and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say, Boy Wonder."

"You two live together?" Wally asked and we nodded. "And here I thought it was Batman who randomly decided to have two protégés, turns out it's a package deal."

"It's been a package deal for three years, doubt it's gonna change anytime soon." Dick shrugged and swung an arm over my shoulders as we walked to the mission room. "And this was my hoodie, Domino."

"It was in my pile."

"Because you stole it again."

"Focus." Bruce scolded and we both shut up immediately.

"Yessir." We both mumbled and he sighed, deciding to ignore us.

"Isla Santa Prisca...This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neuro-steroid, a strength-enhancing drug sold under the street name Venom. The infrared heat signatures indicate that their factory is operating at full capacity, but all shipments of Venom have inexplicably cut off. That's where this Team comes in. This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will."

"Who's in charge?" Dick asked and Bruce widened his eyes slightly, glancing at Red Tornado before turning back to us.

"Work that out between you... since this is a recon mission, you'll need to go undercover. Which means to not use your regular suits."

"We're definitely not going in as tourists, Batman." I pointed out and was thrown a white belt, a new suit and mask, and a gauntlet. "Upgrade?"

"Stealth tech. Press the button on the inside of the gauntlet and your suit will change to stealth. I suggest you all go change... you leave in thirty minutes." He said and everyone scrambled away. "Robin and Domino, fall back for a second."

"Rabies time." Dick snickered and I stepped on his foot.

"Domino, I'm giving you the full shot because I can't risk you falling asleep and then having Robin carry you around." Bruce said, pulling out a syringe and I sighed, holding out my arm. "It's temporary until we find a-"

"There's no cure, Batman." I mumbled and winced when the Venom entered my bloodstream. "You heard him better than I did."

"We will find a cure, Domino. I promise."

"Don't go talking about promises to me."

"What do you-"

"Dinner, as always. And I took care of it, as always." Dick shrugged.

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