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~Dick's POV~

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~Dick's POV~

"Rob, she's at it again."


"Domino. She's shaking again and I think she's gonna pull her stitches." Wally called out and I immediately stopped fighting Artemis to rush to the couch Maeve was taking a nap in. "I'd wake her, but last time, she punched me in the face and I didn't like that."

"Hey, Mae... it's okay, it's just a dream." I whispered, crouching in front of her and held her hands that were dangerously close to her stitches. "Wake up, Mae... it's okay."

Ever since that night, Maeve's nightmares have increased drastically and gets to the point of borderline sleep paralysis if someone doesn't wake her up. So much so, that I've been sleeping on the small couch that Alfred had Bruce place in her room so I can keep an eye on her.

"Get... away... I don't... Robin..." She slurred trying to pull her hands back, but I held them tighter as the Team circled around her in worry.

"She's gonna pull her stitches if she starts screaming again." Connor pointed out. "This is getting out of hand."

"Dude, her dad carved a smile on her face. It's a miracle she's sleeping at all." Wally scoffed and took a step back when Maeve jolted awake. "Oh, good! You're awake!"

"Dick? Where's-"

"I'm right here, Mae." I smiled in relief, releasing her hands but she pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "It's alright, Mae... it's over. You're safe now."

"Robin, how often has this been happening?" Kaldur asked and I sighed.

"Every night for the past week. Batman has her missing school and picks up her assignments every day until she gets her stitches removed. Gives her time to sleep during the day since she's barely getting more than four hours a night. Last night, I skipped patrol and she actually managed to get the full eight hours because she got sent to bed right after dinner."

"And what has he told the school?"

"That's she's recovering from a small surgery. They know that she's been in and out of the hospital for years, so it's no surprise to anyone. She does her homework when I get home from school and I turn it in while Batman picks up the next batch."

"She... she made friends, right? Because I always see her hanging with a redhead and a boy that has way too much adrenaline." Artemis asked and I stifled a laugh.

"Yeah... those are her friends. She sometimes hangs with Barbara after school."

"Good... she needs friends that isn't just us, y'know?"

"I made her a smoothie to get her strength back up." Canary called out and placed the glass on the coffee table before sitting next to Maeve who still hasn't let go of me. "Domino... want to tell me where you are right now? Can you name five things in the room?"

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