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~Dick's POV~

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~Dick's POV~

"You'd make a good Talon. It's a shame we didn't find you first."

"Shut the fuck up. You know nothing about me."

"I still don't know what you see in the Napier girl. She's a deranged lunatic!" Talon shrugged and I kicked him across the face, knocking the helmet off. "We've been following you for a while, Grayson... ever since you were a little boy in that circus hiding behind your mother."

"Don't talk about my mother or my wife ever again." I sneered and pulled out a knife. "Why does the Court want the bounty anyways? Aren't you people full of old money?"

"Political justice, Richard. Joker has destroyed this city from the inside out."

"Maeve has nothing to do with whatever Joker did."

"That baby carries Talon blood, Richard. Do you really think we'd kill one of our own?"

"Then let's make a deal." I offered. "I'll be willing to follow my grandfather's legacy if it keeps my wife and child safe."

Last thing I expected to find out tonight was that Haly's circus was a breeding ground for future Talons and that my grandfather was one of them.

Suddenly, Maeve's family tree doesn't seem so fucked up.

"Guarantee me that child is a boy and I'll consider." He smirked and I froze.

"What does it being a boy have to do with any of it?"

"Talons only breed boys, Grayson. Guarantee me that child is a boy and I will consider your offer."

"And what if it's a girl?"

"Then the bitch dies along with your wife, eventually bringing the Joker legacy to an end once and for all." The Talon grinned and my jaw clenched. "Between you and me, Richard. I secretly hope it's a girl... I've been waiting to get my hands on Ace and-"

"Okay, that's enough!" I yelled and tackled him to the ground, punching his face repeatedly. "I can deal with you rubbing the past I knew nothing about in my face... but I fucking draw the line at threatening my wife and my unborn baby!"

"It's not a threat... it's a promise." He grinned and managed to push me back. "Word travels fast, Richard. The Court knew about this child before the rest of the world did."

"Careful! You're not as fast and flexible as you used to be." I heard Jason yell and we both turned to see him holding Maeve upright as she held her belly taking deep breaths. "The Cloudburst should be going off at any moment. We need to get you to higher ground and find a gas mask for you to wear, Mom."

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