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a/n: happy filler chapter to give them some peace before I'm back on my angst bullshit again 🫡

a/n: happy filler chapter to give them some peace before I'm back on my angst bullshit again 🫡

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Seven months later

"Hon, you've been vomiting for the past three days and you're barely out of bed."

"I work from home, Dick. I'm fine!" I defended, hunched over the toilet for what seemed like the tenth time today. "I just think the food we ate was expired."

"Maeve, I'm completely fine." Dick sighed and reached out for my phone. "You're not ovulating, that's not for another week. Did your period came on time?"

"I'm a few days late, but it was a side effect from the anti-venom so I can't be pregnant."

"Sure about that?"


"I have to go to work and drive Steph to school. I'm calling Zatanna to check up on you." He decided and helped me stand. "Call in sick and let Bruce handle all the meetings."

"I was planning on doing it anyways. Patrol last night kicked my ass." I grumbled and made my way back to bed.

"Call me if you need anything. I'm interrogating the Maroni's today, so I should be out early after I write the reports."

"Yeah, yeah. Just get to work, Detective Grayson." I smiled and pulled him down for a kiss. "Don't keep the wife waiting."

"Wouldn't dream of it, sweetheart." He said and walked away. "I love you, funny girl."

"I love you too, bird boy!"

The moment the door closed, I pulled out my phone and called Zatanna.

"Good morning? You never call me this-"

"Dick is going to call you in approximately three to seven minutes to tell you to spend the day with me." I whispered and stood up, pacing around the room. "I need a favor."

"And that is?"

"Bring every single pregnancy test you can find. I've been puking everything I eat for the past three days and I get dizzy at patrol."

"Shouldn't we go to the doctor for this!?" She exclaimed.

"If it's positive, I'll schedule an appointment. If it's not, then I won't worry about it." I sighed, watching Dick drive away. "Just please bring me the pregnancy tests and don't say anything to Dick yet. I'll tell him when he gets home."

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