𝘔𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴, 𝘛𝘦𝘢𝘮

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"Let's see what's left of Geneva when we're done

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"Let's see what's left of Geneva when we're done."

"Need to take him down. Or at least lure him away so we can safely disengage the-" Dick was cut off by Connor letting out a scream and running to Parasite, causing both Roy and I to facepalm.

"Or act completely idiotic and on impulse." I sighed, watching him successfully punch Parasite before getting knocked out. "Boys will be boys... but apparently they get stupider with age."

"All right, Dangers, come on out. Only a couple minutes before this baby's done warming up and eats Geneva." Parasite called out just as my gauntlet blinked.

"Who could be calling you at this time? Because I know it's not Batman." Roy whispered and grabbed my arm, dragging me away. "We're going to the roof and you're helping me."

"I think I have an idea." I sighed and answered the call, hooking a separate comlink on my ear. "Yes, Jason? Is everything alright?"

"Are you busy!? I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, little bird. But is everything okay?"

"Yeah... I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas, but you're busy and-"

"Hold up... it's Christmas!?" I whisper-yelled and Roy nodded, joisting up a crate. "Wasn't it just Thanksgiving?"

"Technically it's Christmas Eve, Domino."

"Time really does fly when fighting crime... Merry Christmas, little bird." I said and smiled when Jason grinned. "You know what would be a good present?"

"Watching you guys kick butt!?"

"Exactly." I nodded at Roy and he threw a line to a support beam. I jumped on his back and we both landed with ease and crouched down. "On my mark, Red."

"Dahlia and I were just the appetizer, remember!?" Megan called out.

"Now." I ordered and Roy launched an arrow, successfully hitting Parasite and filled him with foam.

"Wicked." Jason said in awe and we both smiled.

"Foam? You think foam can hold me!?" Parasite yelled, looking up at us. "Or stop me from crushing you with a thought? Combined Martian and Kryptonian powers here."

Using his newly acquired heat vision, he melted the beam and we both fell. Roy turned to grab and shielded my neck and head just as we fell on top of a crate with a loud thud.

"You alright, cupcake?" He asked and I nodded trying to catch my breath.

"Yeah... thanks, Red."

"Do any of those powers free you before I sabotage your death-thingy?" Dick called out and we both immediately stood up and jumped down.

"Robin, wait!"

"This one does." Parasite smirked, breaking free from the foam and used heat vision to blow up the control panel, Dick barely managing to jump away in time.

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