𝘈 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳

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~Maeve's POV~

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~Maeve's POV~

"They're upstairs and it doesn't sound pretty."

"I almost twisted my ankle during that pep rally and he still wants me to patrol tonight? I was promised pizza!" I whined, getting off the motorcycle and adjusted my mask. "God, I can't wait to graduate."

"Hey, you and Babs did a great job with those flips, okay? You left me whelmed and Wall and Artemis were more than impressed." Dick mused, leaning in to kiss me until gunshots were heard. "Perfect timing as always."

"Stop pouting, birdie." I laughed, kissing his cheek and ran inside the apartment complex.

"Don't move! Or I'll-"

"You'll what!? Shoot me!?" Jason yelled, landing a punch to one of the dealers, sending him flying to the wooden door. "Nice of you to join, sis!"

"Eh, couldn't let you and Bats have all the fun." I smiled.

"Sorry I missed the rally, but apparently, crime doesn't take a vacation."

"Wouldn't be Gotham if it did, little bird."

Both of us ran inside and the rest of the dealers immediately started shooting at us. Jason pushed me away just as Dick appeared and threw a couple of Batarangs to knock the guns away. The three of us then proceeded to take down the dealers when Bruce showed up.

"Ha! 20 rounds a second and you were still too slow!" Jason mused.

"I'm not slow, punks!" The last dealer called out and started shooting at us.

"I've got him!" Bruce said, throwing a Batarang at the gun just as Jason pushed me away again and charged up to the man, landing an elbow at his collarbone and broke it.

"Robin!" We all yelled.


"Home, now." Bruce ordered, gesturing to the door. "Domino, Nightwing, take him home... he's done for the night."

"But I-"

"Don't fight it, little wing." Dick whispered and pulled him away.

"It'll be fine." I assured and held Jason's hand. "Let's go home, okay? My ankle's a bit fucked anyways."


。゚•┈୨🃏୧┈• 。゚

"I had to take him down!"

"You shattered his collarbone!"

"He's a drug dealing pimp and he was gonna hurt Mae! I didn't think to prop up some pillows before taking him out." Jason scoffed and Bruce rubbed his temples as me and Dick stood to the side trying not to get involved.

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