𝘏𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘚𝘦𝘦𝘬

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"Out of my way, Bruce. I'm here for my niece, not you!"

"Selina, she's taking a nap and Dick's watching her. She's-"

"If you didn't want me to worry, you shouldn't have called me." Selina's voice woke me up and I sat up with a groan, still hooked to the IV, finishing the last pint of Joker venom and a bag of saline solution to keep me hydrated.

"God, what time is it?" I asked Dick who paused the movie and smiled at me. "You've been here the whole time? That's not creepy at all."

"A little past noon... and I showered if you haven't noticed, so I didn't spend all my time here." He rolled his eyes, passing me a glass of water.

"If you used my bathroom, I will kill you in your sleep, Richard John Grayson."

"I used my own, Maeve Elizabeth Wayne. And there's no need for-"

"Oh, thank God you're okay." Selina sighed in relief once she walked inside with Bruce trailing behind like a lost dog. "What happened, kitten?"

"Cheshire happened with her stupid venom." I grumbled and leaned into her touch when she placed a hand on my forehead. "But I'm feeling better!"

"Last night she had cold sweats and was talking in her sleep again." Dick called out and I threw a pillow at him. "Thanks, my back is killing me."

"And you didn't call me immediately!?" Selina yelled at Bruce who widened his eyes, taking a small step backwards. "When you talked to me about adopting her, I told you that if anything happens to her, to call me immediately! And I told you it was bad idea to have her on the field without proper training because something like this could happen!"

"Aunt Selina, I'm-"

"I'm not talking to you, Maeve. I'm speaking to this imbecile who clearly can't follow a simple rule!"

"First Alfred, now Selina? Bruce is being yelled by everybody!" Dick mused moving to sit next to me on the bed.

"They act like a married couple and I love it." I snickered and tensed a little when Dick tried to discreetly link his pinky finger with mine but I still let him. "Why did they break up again?"

"Something about the mission, but I dunno. All I know is that it was Bruce's fault."

"Of course it is... and can you two stop yelling at each other long enough to get me something to eat? Or do I have to do that myself?" I told Bruce and Selina who immediately shut up and turned to me. "Thank you, because it was starting to scare me."

"I'll go and make lunch with Alfred while Bruce explains to me why didn't he call me the moment he put an IV in you." Selina said and smirked, noticing mine and Dick's hands.

"I couldn't call you the moment it happened because we were at the old Cave and you don't have authorization, Selina." Bruce sighed, moving to remove the last pint of Venom. "I'm keeping the saline solution hooked for the rest of the day, but you can leave your room if you stay in the wheelchair... How are you feeling?"

"When can I go back to the Cave? Wally called asking if I was okay. Same with Kaldur and Artemis." I begged Bruce but he shook his head. "But I feel better!"

"In a few days when you're better and we run some tests."

"What tests?"

"This is a new treatment, Mae. We think that, if this works, you won't need any Joker Venom for at least a month or two. It's not a cure, but a step in the right direction."

"But I have to be out of action for a few days!"

"A small price to pay, kitten. Bruce has researchers working hard on a cure... this is a step in the right direction." Selina reasoned and I huffed. "Would you rather have this or have a repeat of Metropolis and be in a cage for a month?"

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