𝘔𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘺'𝘴 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭

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a/n: i'm either fixing, creating or worsening your mommy issues. there's just no in between.

song for this chapter: family line- conan gray

song for this chapter: family line- conan gray

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~Maeve's POV~

"I'm nearby if you need backup."

"So am I, Domino."

"Big bird and little bird, go home. I'll be fine on my own." I assured, walking inside the abandoned apartment complex Selina told me to search.

"Fat chance." Jason scoffed and I smiled.

"I'm fine... I promise."

"We're still nearby. Keep your comms on." Dick continued.

"Sorry, birdie. But some things need to stay private for now." I said, removing my commlink and put it away before picking the lock on the door of Harley's apartment only to find it unlocked.

"I saw you coming, Domino." Harley called out as I stepped inside. "Thought the Bats said no contact?"

"He has no idea I'm doing this. And I didn't come here as Domino." I shrugged, locking the door and removed my mask and belt. "Hi, Harley..."

"You've grown, Maeve."

"Selina says I look just like you."

Harley tried to step forward, but I took one back making her frown.

"I take it that you didn't come here to catch up." She sighed, taking a seat on the worn down sofa. "What's this about?"

"How's J?"

"How the hell should I know, Maeve?"

"You married him." I pointed out, sitting on the coffee table across from her but still kept distance.

"Never married him, honey. Which is why it was so easy for him to throw me off buildings as he pleased." She shrugged, leaning back. "Last I heard, he's still in Arkham. Should be in a grave, but-"

"Bats won't kill him. Had that conversation with him time and time again for almost six years, Mom." I said and pulled out my phone, showing her the footage of when Jason came home. "You know something about this?"

"He's keeping tabs on you."

"No shit."

"Maeve, as much as I want to help you right now, I know nothing. Mr. J wasn't exactly the kind of person to keep me in the loop of his plans." Harley admitted and I scoffed, taking the phone back and stood up. "I can't help you."

"As usual." I spat, making my way to the door but she threw a knife at the handle. "What the hell, Harley!?"

"You're just leaving?"

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