𝘖𝘭𝘥 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴

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"Where were you!? We were at the beach all day and all I could think about was you not knowing how to make a sandcastle!"

"Following a lead on my situation with Bats and my aunt... he's definitely not in Gotham or Blüdhaven." I answered and Dick nodded with a frown. "Classes don't start 'til like two more weeks! You can show me how to make a sandcastle tomorrow or something."

"I'm holding you to it." He grinned as I swung an arm over his shoulder. "Ooh! Meet the newest member-"

"Artemis!?" I exclaimed and she turned around with a smirk. "No way!? How'd you-"

Recognized: Kid Flash, B03.

"The Wall-man is here!" Wally exclaimed, appearing from the Zeta Tube in his swimsuit and carrying way too many stuff in his arms making him trip and fall right in front is us.

"Nice going, KF." I chuckled and stood next to Artemis.

"Wall-man, huh? I love the uniform. What exactly are your powers?" She smirked.

"Uh, who's this?" Wally asked with a grimace. "And don't tell me you know her too, Domino."

"Artemis, your new teammate... and we both go way back to when we were kids."

"Yep, we had similar childhood experiences and bonded over near death experiences when I was twelve and she was fourteen." I continued and he widened his eyes, scrambling to stand up.

"Kid Flash. Never heard of you."

"Um, she's my new protége." Green Arrow stepped up and we widened our eyes.

"Wha-what happened to your old one?"

Recognized: Speedy, B06

"Well for starters, he doesn't go by Speedy anymore." Roy states, walking out of the Zeta Tube. "Call me Red Arrow."

"Roy. You look-"


"It's not like that." Green Arrow tries. "You told me you were going solo."

"So why waste time finding a sub?" Roy rhetorically questions angrily. "Can she even use that bow?"

"Yes, she can." Artemis steeped up.

"And who are you?" Wally questioned again.

"I'm his niece." Artemis says
"She's my niece." Green Arrow says at the same time.

I gave Dick a knowing nod and moved next to him.

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know. Keep your detective work to yourself." I whispered.

"You'll tell me?"

"Fat chance, birdie."

"We have always wanted you on the Team, and we have no quota on archers." Kaldur tells Roy and we all nodded.

"There'll always be a spot for you, Roy." I added with a hopeful smile.

"And if there was a quota, you'd know who we pick." Wally finished with a shrug.

"Whatever, Baywatch, I'm here to stay." Artemis called out.

"You came to us for a reason." Kaldur said, trying to stop Roy from leaving.

"Yeah, a reason named Dr. Serling Roquette." He said, glancing at Dick who tensed and immediately pulled out the data from his gauntlet.

"Nanorobotics genius and claytronics expert at Royal University in Star City- vanished two weeks ago."

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