𝘊𝘳𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱

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song for this chapter:
seven- taylor swift

song for this chapter: seven- taylor swift

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"Batman, how do you lose a-"

"I don't know, okay! Just let me-"

"You lost my niece!" Selina yelled, storming into the Cave and Superman had to hold her back. "I'll kill you for that, Batman! How do you lose my niece!?"

"Get her out of here." Bruce ordered. Superman just rolled his eyes and let Selina go, all of us doing absolutely nothing as she pushed him back onto a chair.

"Where the hell is Ace!?"

"That's what we're trying to find out."

"Last time she escaped, we found her in Crime Alley... maybe we should start there?" I offered, adjusting my mask when Flash appeared, holding his ribcage.

"No need... she's in Metropolis."

"What happened to you?" Wonder Woman asked.

"The devil spawn happened. I tried to talk to her, but she just laughed and managed to break a few ribs with a metal pipe. Should heal in a few more minutes, but she's got a mean backswing though."

"It's the lack of venom." Bruce called out and Selina turned to him with wide eyes.

"You made her quit!? I told you it would drive her insane to the point where it kills her! She can't quit it, Batman!" She screamed and we all flinched. "What's the fastest way to Metropolis? I'll go get her and you'll never have to worry about her again because clearly you can't take care of her after you promised me!"

"And what good would that be, Cat? You said it yourself, she goes without the venom and it'll kill her." Bruce interjected and stood up. "She can't leave Gotham."

"I'll find a damn cure, Bat!"

"And she'll die before you even make a breakthrough."

"You don't have any venom made for her." She defended. Bruce just sighed and pointed to a corner where there were cases of Joker venom already made. "How the-"

"I reverse engineered a blood sample the night Robin and I found her and made enough venom to last her until I find a way to cure it."

"We should get going before it's too late." Superman called out and I immediately stood up. "Robin, you're staying."

"What!? No way! You guys are gonna scare her!" I protested.

"Robin." Bruce warned.

"I was the only one who calmed her down in the hospital a few months ago. And whenever she goes Joker, Catwoman and I are the ones who bring her back. I'm going too."

"Batman, you gotta leash both of your kids." Flash grumbled before standing up. "Come on before we change our minds, Boy Wonder."

"Don't think I haven't tried."

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