𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘥𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘥

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i've decided that, after all the trauma, you all deserve some memes.

~Maeve's POV~

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~Maeve's POV~

"That's the last box?"

"Yep. You guys are officially unpacked."

A few nights ago, Dick and I decided to officially move out of the Manor and into one of the safe houses in Blüdhaven.

The main reason for it is because I can't stand Bruce breathing down my neck and keeping me locked in here.

I need my life back, and I'm gonna do all I can to have it back.

As for the safe house, it's already payed for, connected to a Zeta Tube in the basement and it's isolated enough from the heart of the city and overlooks the lake connecting to Gotham City. Plus, it's big enough in case members of the Team need to spend the night.

"It's a good thing we have a speedster and a half-Kryptonian to help us unpack, huh?" Dick smirked, walking into the kitchen with six boxes of pizza. "Wally, you're getting two boxes, deal with it."

"How'd Alfred take the move?" Artemis asked, sitting on the counter next to me.

"Made us swear we'd call every day and have dinner in the Manor on Wednesdays and Sundays." I mused. "Dad looked like he was gonna cry, but powered through."

"His first birds left the nest, it's gonna be hard on him." Zatanna shrugged.

"I want my life back, Zee. I can't do it with Bruce constantly breathing down my neck and keeping me cooped up in the Manor."

"Plus, we need a place to work in peace without the Batman lurking around." Dick added, moving to sit next to Wally. "Independence from the Batman is... liberating to say the least. At least for me."

"It feels right to be doing our own thing, y'know?"

"Now that it's just us... how was it? Growing up with the Batman?" Megan asked. Dick and I looked at each other for a few seconds before sighing and looking at our plates that she was passing around.

"Lonely." We both answered in unison.

"But you two had each other." Raquel tilted her head confused.

"Sure, we lived, fought and trained together, but it was lonely sometimes. Most days, we couldn't live like other kids because we had to keep a reputation." Dick said, his jaw clenched. "The ward and daughter of Bruce Wayne... the fucking heirs."

"I never had a childhood and Dick had to grow up fast when he moved in. But then Jay came around and-"

"You could act like kids with him." Artemis interrupted me and I nodded.

"We spent years living in this perfect fantasy world that Bruce had to make in order to keep us safe. But a circus boy and a girl from the slumps? We weren't used to it... hell, we still aren't used to it." I continued and took a deep breath. "I love Bruce, don't get me wrong, and he did what he could. But sometimes... I wished he would look at me as a person and not some broken toy for him to try and fix."

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