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~Maeve's POV~

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~Maeve's POV~

"Mae! What do you know about-"

"Why are you bruised more than usual? Or are those bags under your eyes, Tim?"

"Both." Barbara answered and I raised my eyebrows. "He's been walking with a limp for two days. Cassie and I had to force him to sit down so Connor could bandage him up because he's been bleeding from his side."

"Start talking, Timothy Jackson Drake." I ordered and Tim immediately started yelling protests. "When did this happen?"

"Few nights ago... at that club you sent us to." Tim mumbled and lifted his shirt to reveal bandages full of blood around his entire torso. "I kinda pulled my stitches on patrol last night and didn't want to bother Alfred."

"Cassie, get me the kit. I need to fix these." I sighed, pulling out a chair and gently removed the bandages. "What happened in there, Tim? Was it Two-Face?"

"The Knight was there."

"And you engaged? Why didn't you call me!?"

"Because he asked about you." He said and I froze. "Asked me how you felt about having me as a replacement for Jason."

"You do know that I don't see you as a replacement for Jay, right? Because you're not!" I defended, gently removing his shirt just as Cassie wheeled in the first aid kit. "You're your own Robin and I don't-"

"I know that now, Mae... but at first, I had my doubts."

"Again... I'm sorry for the way I treated you, baby wing. It wasn't fair to you."

"You sure you know what you're doing?" Cassie asked with a grimace when she saw Tim's injuries.

"I've been doing this since I was twelve. I think I got it handled, Cassie." I smiled softly and she nodded unsure. "Keep talking, Tim. It'll keep your mind off the pain."

"He... he didn't even touch Babs. He just kept attacking and overpowering me! The staff didn't even shock him."

"Tell her the other thing, Tim." Barbara called out and crossed her arms. "Tell her what he did."

"He tried to kill me." He choked out and I almost dropped the needle. "Had a gun to my head and everything... said I won't be anything other than a replacement of Jason and Dick. That I don't deserve to call myself a Robin, especially yours."

"Why didn't you call me? I was in town! I would've been there in ten minutes at most." I asked and wiped a stray tear from his face. "Why didn't you call me?"

"He kept talking about you! I thought he was someone from when you were Ace and I didn't want to risk it."

"Cassie, why don't we let them settle this on their own?" Barbara asked and Cassie nodded.

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