𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘬

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a/n: had graphics and memes made for this and it won't let me upload them... not even on my computer. 

this app is definitely testing my patience as of late.

"Am I late? I was at the Foundation all day and-"

"Actually, you're still within the hour. They're thirty minutes in." Artemis said, gesturing to Zatanna and Zatara on the swings. "It never gets easier, does it?"

"I hate what comes after. I never know how to help her." I sighed, sitting on the bench next to Artemis. "How's Halo adjusting?"

"Given the fact she sleeps two feet above my couch, I wouldn't know how to answer." She shrugged. "Said she doesn't remember anything from before I found her."

"The girl was buried alive, mouse. I didn't remember much of Arkham until months after it happened, remember?"

"Still won't talk to Bruce?"

"Not like he hasn't been making an effort to talk to me. Alfred calls twice a day and we talk about it, but I usually hang up when I hear Bruce walk in the room. It's petty, but I don't care."

"And the wedding?"

"It's still on the table. If he keeps his mouth shut about it or gives me fifteen reasons as to why he hesitated, he's walking me down the aisle. If not, I'm walking by myself. I didn't need a dad back then, and I don't need one now."

"That's a blatant lie and you know it." Artemis scoffed and held my hand. "You still see Bruce as your dad, Maeve. You need him as much as he needs you."

"He replaced me."

"Cass just needs a little love in her life... She's a lot like you, y'know? Kept to herself, doesn't talk-"

"She doesn't know how."

"Reminds you of someone? A certain someone who was in speech therapy for years?"

"Shut up." I grumbled and hugged my knees. "Let me be mad."

"I'm just saying... You, Cass and Steph have a lot in common."

"Cass is Shiva's daughter."

"And you're Joker's. Crazy runs through your veins just as much as murder runs through hers. Only exception is that, as far as I know, she hasn't killed anyone. Your first kill was-"

"We don't talk about my first kill. I was seven and the knife slipped."

"Twenty-nine times across the jugular?" She chuckled and I glared.

"I wanted an even thirty but your sister took the knife from me."

"You could barely count to two back then despite Joker trying to teach you with severed limbs."

"I lost count after one... twenty-nine times."

"See my point, monkey?"

"No, I don't." I lied and she hit upside the head. "Bitch!"

"The day you stop lying to yourself is the day you realize how much those kids are similar to you and Dick, not just Jason." Artemis smiled just as Halo walked over to us. "How's Dick doing?"

"Called me and said he was helping Will out with some Bowhunter security stuff. As long as I don't get a call from the hospital or a morgue, he can do whatever he wants." I shrugged and smiled at Halo before glancing down at my watch. "Two minutes left... get ready, mouse."

"I do not understand... We are here for your friends, but we do not talk to them? We are not with them?" She asked sitting next to Artemis.

"We're not here for this part." I said with a sigh, watching as Zatanna said her goodbyes to Zatara. "Thirty seconds."

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