𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳

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"STAR Boston is a go."

"STAR Manhattan is a go!"

"Time to split." Maeve smiled climbing on her white motorbike and waved at Bruce. "We should really talk about me having a stun gun, just saying!"

Bruce suggested that me and Maeve didn't go dressed in our suits and sent us  some clothes for us to change into in the Bioship. She was wearing a white bodysuit with black cargo pants, her hair in lower ponytails because of the helmet and I was wearing a red and yellow shirt with black pants.

"Be careful, Domino. And we're not getting you a stun gun." Bruce sighed and she nodded, putting on her helmet. "Robin-"

"Keep an eye out, I know. Supey's coming with us and the bikes have sensors for anything Joker related just in case." I assured and he nodded reluctantly before letting us drive away.

"Be careful."

"We will!" We called out in unison and joined Superboy on the highway.

I took a small glance at Maeve who was slowing down and clearly looking at a Holomap on her bike, her carved smile getting in the way of an obvious frown.

How could someone so kind and pretty be dealt such a bad hand in life?

"If dislike is the opposite of like, is disaster the opposite of aster? See, if things are going wrong, they go right." I questioned once we caught up to Superboy to try and make Maeve laugh, but they both remained silent. "Uh, clearly you're both not feeling the aster. What's wrong?"

"Canary." Superboy replies instantly. "And what business does she have teaching combat skills to a guy with Super-Strength?"

"You gotta learn to take down guys bigger than yourself. We all learned that lesson the hard way... especially me." Maeve shrugged, gesturing to her face. "This is what happens when you don't fight the big guys, Superboy. You get scars that you pray every night to have reversed."

"How did you manage to beat me that easily, Domino?"

"You're sloppy, too dependent on your powers... you let me take control instantly while you were debating how and when to use your strength. Frankly, you wouldn't survive three days in North Gotham at that rate. Right, Robin?"

"He'd be eaten alive in Crime Alley instantly." I smirked. "Domino and I started out fighting goons three times our size in Crime Alley. We had to learn to adapt quick or we would be going home in a casket at the end of the night."

"And Batman just threw you two out to the wolves like that?"

"He never found out. All he knows is that we fought Riddle's goons for a bit... See, I lived in Gotham my whole life, but not Robin, he's only been living there for a year and a half and six months as Robin when I started out. So, my first week as protégé, he took a wrong turn and suddenly, we were fighting twenty-five drug dealers at once with nothing but a malfunctioning Batarang, a single smoke bomb and my old wooden bat... how we made it out with just a broken nose and some scratches is still a mystery to me." Maeve said with a hint of a smile. "But it's okay... we all learn the hard way, Superboy. Some more than others."

"And when was that?"

"Two years ago... on my eleventh birthday and my adoption anniversary no less."

"Why so young?"

"The gig, Superboy. Bad guys don't care about age or size, especially in Gotham. They just care about sending us to Bats in a casket." I butted and Maeve clenched her jaw. "That's what the masks are for. If nobody knows our identities, we become less of a target."

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