𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘋𝘢𝘺

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a/n: gonna start switching the order of certain episodes for it to fit the plot better.

~Dick's POV~

"School day, Maeve!"

"Is it too late to be homeschooled again?"

"Funny." I smirked, leaning against the doorframe of Maeve's room and watched her finish getting ready. "I see you decided to modify your uniform."

"Bruce talked me into it

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"Bruce talked me into it... said it would ease the nerves if I had a little control over what I wear and that it was allowed. I feel like this is more me than the original one." Maeve shrugged and turned away from the mirror. "Think I'll get dress coded?"

"You'll be fine, M. If you saw what the seniors wear, you'd have a heart attack! Babs and I have a bet that they'll just keep getting shorter." I laughed and she tilted her head.


"Right, you haven't met Barbara! Mae, you're gonna love her! She's the commissioner's daughter, but she's really nice!"

"You two ready?" Bruce asked standing behind me with a cup of coffee and Maeve nodded shakily. "First day's always the worst, Maeve. But Dick offered to stay by you until you get the hang of it."

"Wally said that the kids are mean sometimes... what about my face, Bruce?"

"You fight back, simple as that. I used to get in fights all the time after my parents died... they pick on you, you fight. They hit you or push you down, you don't hold back."

"Can't... can't I be homeschooled until I graduate?"

"The social worker that worked on your case wrote that it was only until you were up to speed. After that, it was either Gotham Academy or public school. Naturally, you're going to private school."

"Just stick next to me or Barbara and you'll be fine, Mae." I assured with a smile. "You're lucky we have all the same classes together and your locker's next to mine."

"High school's tough, but you've been in tougher situations and survived." Bruce smirked and Maeve smiled slightly. "I'll bring the car around. Be down in five."

"You said Barbara was nice?" Maeve asked me once Bruce left and I nodded.

"The nicest! Just wait till you meet her." I agreed, pulling out my phone when I got a text from Wally and she nodded. "I'll grab your bag and wait downstairs. Don't take too long because Bruce likes to get there early!"


Take care of my friend
I like her a little more than I like you ;)


Get whelmed
But I'm serious about that
She's genuinely scared
Told me so herself
It was depressing

Yeah, I know :(
But she modified her uniform to fit her style
And it actually suits her really well

Oh, really? ;)

Don't start

I'm just saying
You two do act like it sometimes ;)

Shut up

Get whelmed and feel the aster, Rob
Good luck and see you at the Cave later! ;)

I hate you

No you don't :D

"Mae, let's go!" I yelled and heard some crashing and a string of curses from Maeve.


。゚•┈୨🃏୧┈• 。゚

"Babs, this is Maeve, the girl I told you about. Mae, this is Barbara."

"It's nice to meet you, Maeve! I love your skirt."

"Nice to meet you too, Barbara." Maeve mumbled and hid further behind me. "And thank you... I like your hair."

"Hey, chuckles!" Artemis called out with a wave and Maeve squealed before running after her. "You made friends already? That was quick... I told you that you'd be fine."

"Somewhat." She shrugged and I smirked, pulling out my phone and ran up to them.

"We'll laugh about this someday." I assured and took a picture of the three of us before grabbing Maeve and ran back to Barbara.

"What was that about?" Barbara asked but we waved it off.

"Maeve's known her for years and I'm just being friendly to the new girl." I shrugged and slung an arm over Maeve's shoulders. "Bell's about to ring and we need to show Mae around."

"Is there still time for me to run for the hills?" Maeve mused and we both laughed, steering her inside the building.

"It won't be so bad, M! You'll see."

。゚•┈୨🃏୧┈• 。゚

"Artemis? How random that you're in Gotham City, instead of Star City where your Uncle, Green Arrow, lives?"

"I'm-uh, here to see my cousin. She was in the state spelling bee. Here... In Gotham... City." Artemis stammered and I nodded, following along with her lie. "Hey, didn't Domino start school today? How'd she do?"

"Don't know... told her to call but all I got was a text that she was heading to the Cave early." I lied as well and leaned against the Zeta Tube. "Did she W-I-N?"



"Yeah... let's just go to the Cave." She grumbled just as I got a video call from Maeve on my Gauntlet.

"Domino, what-"

"GET TO THE CAVE! NOW!" Maeve yelled, running down a hallway, wearing only the tank top and leggings she wears under her suit and without her mask on. "BRING ARTEMIS!"

"What's going on?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Cave's under attack, Robin! I was going to put on the plates of my suit when these two things attacked me!" She tried to explain and was grabbed by a droid oddly similar to Red Tornado. Maeve let out a scream and swung the bat at it's head, dropping to the ground and continued to run.

"Where's the rest of the Team!?" Artemis butted as we both watched Maeve hide under the kitchen counter, trying to catch her breath.

"I don't know... I've been running and fighting for my life since I got here. I think I heard M'gann scream, but I'm not sure."

"We're on our way, Domino! Hang on a few moments." I assured, stepping inside the Zeta Tube with Artemis.

"Hurry, because I've stopped being whelmed about two hours ago!"

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