𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘦𝘤𝘩

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a/n: Dick being a malewife and supporting his girl is everything I need to keep living.

"What are you doing up, birthday girl?"

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"What are you doing up, birthday girl?"

"Just left the bathroom. I was actually gonna go downstairs to see you."

"And I was gonna wake you up." Dick chuckled and almost immediately picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. "Happy birthday, my valentine."

"And happy Valentine's day, pretty boy." I smiled and kissed him, feeling my back slowly hit the mattress.

"You excited about tonight?" He asked, pressing light kisses all over my jaw and neck.

"Artemis helped me with my speech, but I think I'm gonna choke. I'm used to standing in the sidelines and let Dad take over everything."

Tonight, instead of celebrating my nineteenth birthday like a normal person, I'm inaugurating a charity to further honor Jason.

Bruce and I have been working on this five months after Jason died, but we weren't on good terms.

And today's the day.

"Everything's gonna be fine, baby. Most of the Team's gonna be there for moral support. And Tim and I will be right there on either side of you on the podium while you give your speech." He assured.

"Think my dress is okay? Because I didn't have the time to-"

"You could wear a potato sack and I'd still think you're the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Not helping, babe."

"It's not the outfit, it's the cause. You've been working on this with Bruce for months and it's finally come to fruition. Jason would be proud of you." Dick sighed and forced me to look up at him. "As long as the dress is easy to take off afterwards, I don't care."

"You fucking perv!" I laughed and flipped us so I was straddling his waist. I leaned down to press light kisses on his neck and to whisper in his ear. "And the zipper's on the side, by the way. And very easy to unzip."

"You start talking like that and I'll make sure we're late to the gala." He groaned, trying to discreetly lift his shirt that I was wearing and I smiled.

"I wouldn't mind if I start getting ready a little later than planned."

"Have I told you lately that you're beautiful?"

"I wouldn't mind hearing it while-"

Recognized: Kid Flash, B-03

"Fucking cockblock." Dick sighed and I shrugged.

"You two better not be doing the devil's tango!" Wally called out from downstairs. "This is important or else I wouldn't be here fearing for my life!"

"To be continued." I whispered against Dick's lips and sprinted out the room and down the stairs before he could catch me. "Mornin', Wall!"

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