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a/n: you're all either gonna love me or hate me for the small foreshadowing

a/n: you're all either gonna love me or hate me for the small foreshadowing

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"Nope! No way, Richard John Grayson! No fucking way!"

"Maeve, listen-"

"They got out! They're retired and they're happy! She's happy!" I yelled, pulling at my hair and blinked back my tears. "We can't get out because we're in too deep, but they're out!"

"Babe, Artemis is more than perfect for this and you know it." Dick defended.

"I'll take her place. Tell Kaldur I'll do it."


"I'm more capable than Artemis to-"

"You're not doing this." He interrupted. "After Arkham? After I almost lost you for good? No fucking way!"

"Dick, that's selfish on levels I can't even begin to explain."

"Then let me be a little selfish once in a while! I've almost lost you too many times to count in nine years... Hell, you died twice in surgery!"

"And how do you think Wally would feel if something happened to her like it happens to me? Do you think he'll be able to deal with it?"

"It won't happen. Kaldur promised me." Dick sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I didn't want to choose her for this mission, okay? You were my first pick, as always."

"So why didn't you?"

"Tim begged me to not choose you, so did Artemis... after a while, Wally begged too."

"You people sometimes treat me like I'm made of glass and I can't protect myself." I mumbled, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Maeve, I... I can't lose you. I know you're more than capable of handling yourself. You've proved it time and time again. But let me be selfish for once, please." He begged, pulling me into his arms.

"Dick, this isn't about-"

"I've held your dying body once, sweetheart. I felt and saw the life slowly leave you... What do you think that does to a person?"

"You never told me this."

"The only thing that was keeping you alive that night was my hand on your neck stopping the blood flow." He admitted and tried to blink back the tears. "I don't want to live through that again... I don't want to feel like that ever again."


"I didn't want Artemis to do this. I went there to tell them to forget about it when I just thought holding you while your heartbeat slowed again, even if it was fake, and I just... I just broke down. After I told them, she insisted I'd let her do it and Wally agreed after a while."

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