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song for this chapter: The Exit- Conan Gray

song for this chapter: The Exit- Conan Gray

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"You fucking hesitated!?"

"Maeve, what on Earth are you-"

"Arkham." I simply said and the danger twins widened their eyes, taking a step back and pulled Cassandra with them. "Take off that fucking cowl when you talk to me, Bruce."

"Mae, a lot of stuff happened that night." Bruce sighed.

"I'm sure you had a lot to deal with while I was fighting for my life, Dad." I smiled and tilted my head. "Tell me... what happened seconds before the bomb went off?"

"Don't talk to me about Arkham, Maeve."

"Oh, really? How was Arkham hard for you? Why don't you tell all of us how much you suffered that week?"

"Miss Maeve, we all suffered that week you and Master Todd were taken." Alfred defended, walking into the Cave with Selina. "I'm sure Master Bruce-"

"I found the footage." Barbara called out from the Computer and we all rushed over to her. "From both Dick's mask and Bruce's cowl."

"What's going on?" Selina asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. "And I haven't seen you in months."

"We've been avoiding coming over to Gotham to prevent whatever's gonna happen after this." Dick mumbled, pulling out a chair for me. "Nice to see you two got back together."

"Actually... I came because Tim called and said he had a feeling something was gonna happen and that a mediator might be needed. I've learned to trust their judgment... and because I think he needs to sleep."

"I'm fine!" Tim yelled, hiding behind Steph. "Play Dick's clip, Babs. It's the same thing."

"Right..." Barbara mumbled and pressed play.

"Nightwing, wait." Bruce said, pulling him back. "Be smart about this."

"They're right there! Domino's right there!" Dick protested, watching as Maeve tried to pry open the door and almost collapsed. Jason gently pulled her away from the door and they both turned and tensed. "Let me go, Batman!"

"Nightwing!" Bruce warned, running after Dick when he sprinted to the door.

"Hold on, guys... I'm almost there." He whispered.


"Hang on... for the love of God please-"

"Dick, just wait!" Bruce exclaimed, pulling Dick back once again. From the door, you could see the hope leave Jason's eyes as he glanced behind and made eye contact with Dick.

Jason just shook his head in disbelief and turned to walk away from the door. Dick widened his eyes and tried to run again but Bruce's grip tightened.

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