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"If you could have one wish, what would it be?"

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"If you could have one wish, what would it be?"

"For my story to be a little bit different, I guess. What about you?"

"To go back to the circus for one final Flying Grayson act... make it so grand that everyone will be talking about if for the next generation or two." I shrugged and did a handstand on the edge of the GCPD building.

"I'd pay good money to see that." Maeve chuckled, holding up one of her old throwing cards. "I was a performer once... not the kind you were, but I was one."

"Then what kind?"

"Before I was rubbing shoulders with Gotham socialites in galas and whatnot, I used to perform in front of Gotham's lowlifes if I wanted to eat and sleep in a bed and not out in the cold." Maeve explained, jumping to one of the roof's turbines and balanced herself with one hand, her legs bent so her boots were almost touching her forehead. "Y'know the warehouse you found me?"


"That was my circus and you finding me on death's door was my big finale."

"Well, I hated it so you need to change your act." I tried to joke, but Maeve just gave me a sad smile and effortlessly stood up. "So that's how you learned to be almost as good as me?"

"Funny... but, that's pretty much how. I had a terrible teacher and have the scars to prove it."

"I've told you this so many times, but I don't know if I should worry about whatever sanity you fake to have whenever I hear a story about Joker." I frowned, standing up and Maeve chuckled picking up her Joker throwing card and twirled it around her fingers.

And it's true... I try to not notice it, but it's inevitable when, after a long night of patrol, she lifts her shirt revealing the assortment of scars over her back.

Alfred nearly had a heart attack once when we saw a burnt and badly scarred 'Joker' carved on her shoulder blade when he was cleaning her wounds after a bad run in with Penguin's goons. Turns out, Maeve was literally clawing at it during a bad episode of her first withdrawal and Bruce had to physically restrain her before she harmed herself any further.

Explains why Bruce takes her to have her nails trimmed and taken care of once a week, so they'll always be as close to the skin as possible.

But the one that concerns me the most isn't her carved smile or the scar on her shoulder or the one on her spine... it's the faint line across her neck. The one Bruce also had the plastic surgeons pay attention when they attempted to fix her smile.

The one that was bleeding the most the night I found her.

"I'm fine, Boy Wonder. Trauma builds character." Maeve smirked, standing on the very edge of the building. "Plus, it just means I'm better than you."

"Oh yeah?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Maeve just grinned and took a step backwards with a wave, falling off the building. "Domino!"

"Boo!" She yelled from behind me and I almost fell off the ledge but was caught just in time. "Careful, Robin... wouldn't want you to break that face of yours. And to think you're supposed to have a sixth sense after doing this since you were nine."

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