𝘕𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦

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a/n: long chapter, but it's worth it

and this chapter is dedicated to lizziesatlzmangf and her incredible support throughout all of my stories

and this chapter is dedicated to lizziesatlzmangf and her incredible support throughout all of my stories ❤

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"Why didn't you call us earlier!?"

"You think I had time!? I literally just grabbed my Gauntlet, belt and shoes to call you!"

"You were barefoot!?" Artemis asked and Maeve nodded as the three of us fought the droids.

"I was lucky to get to put my shirt on, okay!? This is a win!" Maeve yelled, steering us to a random hallway. "We need to get to the exit and call the League!"

The three of us ran towards the hallway on our right, barely dodging a massive stream of fire. As we make it into the hallway, water crashes in before us.

"Or not." I mused and Maeve rolled her eyes.

Maeve jumped and hung onto a pipe on the ceiling, while me and Artemis tried to ride the wave and hit the wall with a resounding thud.

"And to think that you're a trained acrobat."

"Shut up." I huffed, standing up and ran to the shower room and sealed us in. "Robin to the Team! Aqualad!?"

"Domino to BatCave! Override R-G-4." Maeve yelled into her comms and let out a groan in frustration. "Cave calling Justice League: H-O-J-slash-Watchtower; B-001. Priority: Ray."

"Use your phone!" Artemis desperately called out, turning on all the showers and we both pulled out our phones trying to call Alfred or Bruce.

"Domino to BatCave. Code: RG-12." Maeve said, trying to take deep breaths.

"Robin to BatCave. Override D-M-14, Code A-26." I spoke, but was met with static. "Either they jammed our comms, or my phone isn't waterproof."

"They jammed it. Guess I got lucky I called you when I did."

"At least the water's helping." I sighed in relief, patting Maeve's back when she doubled over trying to catch her breath. "How long have you been running from them?"

"Too long. I came to the Cave immediately after school... so, like three or four hours." She replied and both Artemis and I widened our eyes.

"Without food!?"

"I've fought for much longer without food or water... I'll be fine." She huffed, moving to stand under a running shower head and closed her eyes. "I just need a little break... I'm out of practice."

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