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~Maeve's POV~

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~Maeve's POV~

"Here we are, little bird."

"Here we are..." Jason trailed off, and closed his eyes for a few moments. "I hate this place so much."

"You can stay here if you want, Jason. You don't have to go inside." I assured and he shook his head.

"I'm not leaving you alone in that hell. And if Dickbird finds out I left you alone, he'd kill me like he killed that Talon."

"Damn right I will." Dick called out and jumped down from the Arkham gate. "Why isn't B here yet?"

"We couldn't reel him in." Jason shrugged. "Where's your mask?"



"I'll take over for now. You just worry about getting B inside this hellhole, Jaybird." He sighed and I ran up to hug him tight. "I'm okay, funny girl... I swear it."

"Thank you, bird boy." I whispered and felt him nod.

"I'll find a way to get B and the rest here. Shouldn't take me more than one or two hours max." Jason said, kissing my cheek and put on his helmet. "If you feel the ground shaking, it's not an earthquake. It's Plan B."

"Got it." Dick laughed and held me tighter when Jason left. "I'm so glad you're both safe, my funny girl. I was so worried!"

"Baby's been kicking up a storm since I left with Jason. I've never been so tired in my life!" I exclaimed and smiled when he placed a hand on my belly.

"After tonight, we're taking a break and build the home of our dreams... A well deserved break to live the life we promised each other years ago when we were young and stupid." He promised and kissed me. "I'm done being someone I'm not, Maeve... I tried so hard to be someone who was always able to protect you and you almost slipped through my fingers... My reason for living almost slipped away again because I tried so hard to be someone I wasn't for so long."

"I think we were both trying to be something we're not." I chuckled and gestured to my outfit. "As much as I hate to say it, dressing up like this and the face paint always brings me a weird sense of comfort because it's secretly part of who I am... just like the circus is a part of you. We've both been suppressing that for far too long, haven't we?"

"I believe we have. But not anymore."

。゚•┈୨🃏୧┈• 。゚

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