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a/n: Tim deserves a POV for a bit because this poor sweet boy doesn't get the love he deserves.

memes in the next chapter because this one is a filler

memes in the next chapter because this one is a filler

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~Tim's POV~

"Everyone out of the grotto if you know what's good for you!"

"Domino, what are you-"

"Out!" I heard Maeve sneer. "I don't care what all of you do, just stay away from here for the rest of the day."

Bart and Jaime immediately ran to the kitchen and hid behind me.

"What the-"

"Your sister's terrifying on a good day, down right evil when she's crying." Bart said and I raised an eyebrow. "Your family scares me, now more than ever."

"Wait... what day is it!?" I asked.


"It's the anniversary..."

"Anniversary of..."

"Anniversary of Jason's death, hermano." Jaime said and rolled his eyes, but I was already making my way down to the grotto and called Dick.


"Uhh... did you forget what day it is? Where are you!?"

"I'm currently cleaning his grave with Wall for when she comes here tonight. Where is she?"

"The grotto. I'm actually scared to go down."

"Tim, listen to me. She can't be alone today of all days. I'll be there as soon as I finish cleaning his grave. We finally got the cracks and broken pieces fixed and I can't leave until they place it."

"I don't know what to say to her. She hates me!" I pointed out and heard him sigh.

"She doesn't hate you, man. It's been a hard year for all of us with one thing after another. She took a few months off, but she still doesn't know how to grieve... she never experienced it before and it's hit her hard. Then Bruce gave you the suit and the little progress she made went to hell."

"So she doesn't hate my guts?"

"No, baby wing. It's just been a hard pill to swallow... You donning the mask meant that-"

"He actually died and it wasn't a nightmare."

"Bingo!" He exclaimed just as Maeve let out a scream. "And that's your cue. I'll be there in forty five minutes. The new monument just arrived."

"Please hurry." I sighed and hung up once I reached the bottom of the stairs of the grotto.

"I failed... I failed... I failed..." Maeve kept repeating and my heart broke, watching as she cried in front of Jason's memorial on her knees. "I failed you... I failed Dad by what I did... and I'm failing Tim because I can't be the Domino he wants me to be."

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