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Dick's POV

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Dick's POV

"You got my message?"

"I did... Dick, it was almost fifteen years ago. What I did for Artemis-"

"Was an illusion, I know." I interrupted M'gann and paced around the room. "Guys, I'm gonna be a dad soon and I don't know what to do... I need my mom."

"Dick, I know how you feel. I lost my mom when I was young too." Zatanna sighed and forced me to sit on her couch. "But I'm afraid this will feel like the first time you lost them."

"I won't, Zee. I finally made peace with it and I know I can never bring them back... I just want to see my mom again and for her to tell me everything's gonna be okay."

"You never fully stopped grieving them, did you?" M'gann asked and I nodded. "Dick, if you're scared of how you're going to raise your baby, you're not alone. We'll all put in our part to help you and Mae. Just like we did with Will and Lian... you're not alone in this."

"But at the end of the day, I'm the father. There's already so much pressure in breaking the curse of horrible fathers." I sighed, leaning back and closed my eyes. "Mae had Joker for a father and we both had a somewhat absent dad. I don't want that for my kid... I had loving parents once. I just want to remember what it felt like."

"You won't be a horrible father, Dick. You already would kill and die for this baby and it's not even three months along yet." Zatanna assured and held my hands. "You're an amazing husband and will be an even more amazing father."

"I just want my mom." I whimpered and they both hugged me.

"You'll have until sunset. Make it count."

"I will."

。゚•┈୨🃏୧┈• 。゚

"Mom? Dad!?"

"Do I hear my little Robin?" Mom appeared and I almost fell to my knees. "My boy has grown up, hasn't he?"

"Mama..." I cried and ran up to hug her. "I missed you so much."

"I know you did. I missed you as well." She pulled away and wiped my tears.

"So you finally made me a grandpa?" Dad called out and I smiled. "You ready for it, son?"

"I think I am... Maeve's so excited for it too. You two would absolutely love her!"

"We already do." Mom assured. "She looks kind, Dick. You picked a good one."

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