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a/n: Mae and Bruce's relationship HURTS me and this chapter and fight is proof of that.

Someone needs to tell Bruce he needs therapy as much as his kids pls.

"How did it feel, Maeve?"

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"How did it feel, Maeve?"



Geez, Dinah. Let me make coffee at least.

"Y'know, I shouldn't be here. I should be with Dick finding out about those missing sixteen hours." I called out from the kitchen.

"Stop hiding from it, Maeve." Dinah said from the kitchen table and I sighed, looking out from the window. "We've been at this for eight years. I know all of your tricks."

"Cold... I felt cold but something was holding me back from dying. I don't know if it was my stubbornness or Dick yelling for Bruce, but I somehow knew I was gonna be alright. I was gonna be saved."

"And were you?"

"I'm still kicking, aren't I?"

"And your dreams? Last time we talked, you said you still have nightmares of Arkham."

"Comes in waves. With college and the Team, I'm too tired to dream, I guess."

"And Dick?"

"He says he understands, but he doesn't. He gets what I did in there, but he doesn't understand why I did it." I shrugged, placing two cups of coffee on the table and sat across from Dinah. "Only person who could've understood is Jason and he's dead."

"And why would he understand better than Dick?" She asked.

"Because he was in there with me. Everything I did, everything I endured... all the electroshock, all the beatings, the killings... I did it to save him. And I still failed in the end."

"Sometimes I forget how young you are with everything that's happened."

"Tell me something, Dinah." I started, taking a long sip of coffee. "Final diagnosis after eight years?"

"You know I don't diagnose you, Maeve. That's not my intention."

"But if you had to, what would it be?"

"Clearly you have PTSD, depression, anxiety, anger issues, might debate you having BPD, clear signs of insanity, and the list continues."

"So I belong in an asylum?"

"By definition, yes."

"Sounds fun." I smirked, leaning back on my seat. "Too bad I can't go to one."

"No one's saying you have to go to one, Maeve." Dinah rolled her eyes.

"No, no... I can't go to one. Who's gonna take care of the family?"

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