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"They're headed for Project Kr!"

"Yeah, Robin... let's go through the inside of an intestine to investigate! Nothing bad will happen!" I yelled at Dick, running to the door that Kid was struggling to keep open. "Great idea, by the way."

"Feeling crazy yet?" Dick asked, completely ignoring my previous statement.

"A bit."

"It's about time! Because we're gonna need it!" He yelled, pushing me to the door and Kid caught me. Once everyone was inside, I swung the bat at the prism holding the door open, allowing it to close. "I disabled the door, we're safe."

"We're trapped." Aqualad announced as I slid down to the ground and held my head. "Domino, are you alright?"

"I'm okay." I assured, wiping the beads of sweat that were starting to form on my forehead.

"Domino..." Dick crouched down in front of me in worry and I groaned. "Where are you?"

"Here... I'm here."

"The atomic symbol for Krypton!" Kid called out and we all turned to see him standing in front of a pod. Inside was a boy about Aqualad's age that look an awful lot like Superman. "Clone?"

"Robin, hack." Aqualad ordered and helped me stand.

"Weapon Designation Superboy, a clone force-grown in... sixteen weeks?!" Dick exclaimed and I widened my eyes. "From DNA acquired from Superman."

"Stolen from Superman." I added, managing to stand on my own and walked towards the pod. "No way the man knows about this."

"Solar Suit allows him to absorb yellow-sun radiation 24/7."

"And the Genomorphs?"

"Force-feeding him information and who knows what else."

"They're making a slave out of, well, Superman's son." Kid scoffed.

"Now, we contact the League." Aqualad says, reaching for his emblem, and there's no objection from either of us. Dick and I used our Gauntlets to try and call Bruce, but we got no answer. "No signal... we're in too deep."

"You're getting the shot now." Dick said, pulling out the syringe again but I shook my head. "Domino, there's no-"

"There's a reason I get that at night, Robin. Do you want to drag me out of here? Because that makes me drowsy and I can barely function because of the counter reagents in it." I protested and he let out a groan of frustration. "Don't blame me, blame the doctors."

"Fine, but I'm still keeping a close eye on you, Domino."

"Shut up, Robin."

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"Domino, you're getting paler."

"I'm fine! I'm just claustrophobic." I spat, pacing around the room and stopped in front of the pod. "We can't leave him like this."

"Set him free, Robin." Aqualad decided and Dick nodded shakily, disabling the pod. I stepped in front of him, holding my bat in defense just in case.

"Hey batter, batter... Hey, batter, batter, swing!" Dick sung and I stepped on his foot. "Right... no time for jokes."

"You think!?" I hissed and he shrugged as the pod lowered and the boy woke up, immediately going after Aqualad.

He gets three full hits in before Kid Flash and Dick manage to grab his arms and hold him back slightly.

"Whoa! Hang on, Supey." Kid Flash tries, holding the Kryptonian's forearm with all his strength.

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