School Queen (Part 1)

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I was walking to my locker to get some books when I saw Becky and her boyfriend Billy on the opposite direction , making out. I rolled my eyes. I'm so fed up seeing them everyday shoving each other's tongue down their throat and it makes me throw up. Why do they have to do that infront of me? The school is big enought to pick a spot for them to make out.

"Hey Y/N!" I heard my bestfriend Engfa and she was walking towards me. Engfa looked at Becky and Billy and rolled her eyes. I chuckled at her reactions knowing we felt the same way of being fed up. Suddenly the bell rang and of the students walked to their classes.

At lunchtime.

Me and Engfa were sitting at our lunch table and then we saw Becky with her gang Nam and Charlotte walking towards us and stopped infront of me.

"Hey nerd." Becky said. I lowered my head and slowly looked at her with fear.

"What do you want Becky?" I said in a low tone.

"Hmm, i just want you to do my homework." She said. There she went again and I didn't say anything.

"Hey did you hear me?" She yelled. "I want you to do this." She said and slammed her notebooks on the table infront me.

"Don't you have hands and eyes? " I answered and they gasped of what I said. I didn't know what came over me that I said that. Becky widened her eyes and face me just few inches away from me.

"What did you just say?" She whispered in an meanly tone and I didn't answer.

"You know my mom is the principal, right? And I can easily kick you out of this school. Of course, you don't want that to happen, do you? " Becky added.
"So , why don't you just do what I asked you. Are we clear?" She asked.
"I said, are we clear?" She repeated in a louder voice, so I just nodded.

"Good. By the way , I need that tomorrow morning." She said and walked away with her gang.

"Y/N, what the hell? Why can't you just stand up for yourself?" Engfa asked.

"I almost did ,right? But didn't you hear what she just said? She can kick me out of this school and we know that she can do anything. I don't want that to happend since it's our last year in this school. Just a few months and she'll out of my life." I told Engfa as I sighed.

Becky's POV

I went home after school . I forgot to mention but I have my own car and personal driver to school or sometimes Billy drives me. Even though my mom is the school principal we don't go together.
As I reached home, I saw my Dad talking to my mom but instead of giving them my greetings, I walked past them and went straight to my room. I'm pretty sure they didn't care. I slumped into my bed and pulled out my phone to check my social media. All of the students in our school followed me on my accounts except for one and that is Y/N. Of course she won't, she hates me. I feel bad sometimes of what I was doing to her but I don't know, it's just my way to express my emotions. I stalked her instagram and looked at her pictures. She's into music and plays instruments but I never heard her play at our campus. I kept scrolling her account until I got tired and I slowly drifted to sleep.

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