Different Lives - Part 3

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I was making eggs for breakfast when somebody knocked on my door. I peeped on the small hole on my door and I sighed. I opened the door and the man gave me my electricity bill.

I went back to my small kitchen and ate my breakfast. It was my day off, so I decided to go out. I took a bath and put on a t-shirt and pants.
I strolled around the busy street the sat by the bench on the roadside. People were so busy, car honking, horns of buses were the ones you could here and street vendors are everywhere.

I started walking again when I saw Becky exited from a tall building. She looked so beautiful and wow her clothes looked so elegant and expensive. I felt embarassed of how I look if she sees me. Should I go talk to her? Or just ignore her and keep walking. I asked myself. But my feet dragged me towards her and stood few feet away.

"Ms. Armstrong." I called and she looked towards my direction. I waved at her and she walked closer to where I was standing.

"Hey, Y/N. It's good to see you." Becky said and smiled at me.

"It's good to see you too.Uhm is this where you work?" I asked and looked at the building.

"Yes, this is my managment's office." Becky answered and I looked again at the tall bulding beside us. It was a wow.

"No duty today?" She asked.

"Yes, Ma'am. It's my day off and I just wanted to take a walk around." I answered.

"Y/N, I told you to just call me Becky, right. Don't be so formal. " Becky said as she let out a small giggle.

"I'm sorry. I just respect you very much." I answered.

"Please just Becky, okay?" She said and I nodded.

"Are you about to go home?" I asked.

"Yeah. You?" She said and before I could answer , a girl interrupted and asked to take a picture with Becky and I assumed it was her fan. I stepped away for a bit and watched Becky interacted with her fan and she was so sweet and she gave her a hug. The girl left squealing and I smiled at her reaction. When I was about to say something, another one comes in and wanted the same thing. Then another one again until some guys that I guessed was a paparazzi started taking pictures of her without asking. I saw Becky started to panic as people crowded her and asking for a picture. They kept shouting her name and I got worried for Becky. She was covering her eyes due to the cameras that were flashing on her face. I didn't know what to do but I know Becky got scared. I squeezed myself in the crowd until I reached her and held her hand .Becky was about to pull from my grip as she thought I was a fan or the paparazzi.

"It's me. I got you. Don't worry." I assured her and Becky was really scared and I could see it in her eyes.
I took a strong hold on her wrist and started pull us both out of the crowd. When I saw the chance that we can pass these people , I whispered.

"Can you run fast?" I asked and Becky looked at me worridly.

"I don't know." She said in a scared tone.

"I know you can. Trust me on this. Once I pull you out from this, we will run. I'm not gonna let go of your hand, okay? On my count, 1, 2 , 3 , run." I pulled her out from the crown and we started to run. I took a hold on her hand and the paparazzi chased us.
It was like an action film. I was holding her hands tightly as we were being chased.

"Come on , Becky." I yelled and she started running fast as me.

We kept running in any direction just to make those people lose us and I was looking for a corner for us to hide until I found a big bushes that could cover us both. I quickly pushed Becky behind the bushes and I told her to keep her head down. We were both panting and I carefully peeked out and watched those people run past the bushes. Finally, they lost us.I looked at Becky and she was catching her breath and actually we both are.

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