Different Lives - Part 4

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Becky's POV

It was 7 in the evening and I just finished my evening routine. I went downstairs to have dinner when I heard my mom talking to someone. When I entered the kitchen, I saw Nat.

"Oh honey, I was about to call you .Nat is here." Mom said and I was annoyed to see Nat.

"Yes Mom. I can see that." I replied. My mood was ruined as I see that man infront of me.

"He'll join us for dinner. " Mom said.

"Great."I whispered to myself. Later on, Richie and Dad came. We sat around the table and of course, Nat say beside me.
They all chatted and I just ignored Nat. Everytime he ask me something , I just reply with a yes or a no.
As the dinner was done, Mom asked me to walk Nat to his car. When it was just the two of us, Nat cleared the silence.

"Thanks for letting me join the dinner with your family tonight." Nat said and I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't. Mom did." I replied bluntly.

"Listen Becky, I really want to ask you out. Please give me a chance."Nat said pleading.

"Nat. I already told you this a million times. I don't like you. I don't want you to hope that we will end up together because it's not gonna happen and frankly I don't even like you even just friends. Please understand. I'm sorry." I told him straightly.
Nat stood there and didn't say anything. I wasn't in the mood for dramas, so I went inside the house and left him.
I went upstairs and played with Bonbon.

The next day, I was on the set and of course Nat was there since I got paired with him. We finished the filming at 6pm and I didn't know why but I just wanted to go and see Y/N.

I went to the coffee shop and ordered the usual. It was already half an hour and I still couldn't see Y/N then I saw the girl that I think Y/N's friend. She was the one who asked for a picture with me before.
She was at the front counter and I went to approached her carefully.

"Uhm hi excuse me, Miss." I said. She looked at me and was about to scream.

"Please, don't squeal. I'm here looking for Y/N.Is she here?" I said looking at her directly.

"Uhm. Oh my gosh. Well uhm ah... She just finished her shift at 5pm." The girl said and she was stuttering.

"Oh right. What about tomorrow? Will she be on duty?" I asked.

"No, Ma'am. Tomorrow's her birthday. She will be on her birthday leave." She said and I was happy to hear that.

"Really. Well , Thank you uhm. What's your name?" I asked.

"Me? My name? Uhh my name. My name is Tia. I'm Y/N's bestfriend." She said in a stuttering jolly tone.

"Nice to meet you, Tia. Thanks." I said and left the shop.
Y/N's birthday was on the next day and I decided to call P'Yha, my assistant.

"Hey, P'Yha. Can you do me a favor?" I said politely.

"What's that?" She replied.

"Can you tell the office that I will be taking a day off tomorrow? I'm gonna go to a birthday of a friend of mine." I said.

"Okay. I'll tell them. I hope you're telling the truth for this day off." P'Yha joke and I laughed.

"Yes, I am. Don't worry."I said.


I woke up and sighed. "Happy Birthday Y/N." I told myself. I checked my phone and got a birthday message from my bestfriend Tia. The last time I celebrate my birthday was when I was with Emma but after our break up I don't celebrate my birthday but Tia always come to give me a cake. Tia is the only family I have.

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