Dawn of Love - Part 5

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Becky's POV

I was sitting down and kept wiping my tears. When suddenly....

"Becky?" Someone said and when I looked up it was Y/N with her suitcase. Instead of saying anything I got up and threw myself to hug her. I cried on her shoulder and buried my face. I was so embarassed of what I did to her I hugged her tightly not wanting to let go.

"Becky." Y/N said and tapped my shoulder trying to pull me away. I shook my head signalling her to let me just hug her.

"Hey. I can't breathe." Y/N said. I didn't notice I was gripping her that hard. Then I started to slowly pull away.

"Y/N. I thought you already left." I said and sniffed.

"Yeah. My flight got delayed for an hour so I have to wait." She replied and I stayed silent.

"What are you doing here? And how did you know?" She asked.

"Irin told me." I said and she nodded.
"Can we talk? Please." I asked still sniffing.

We both sat down next to each other and I didn't know but I could sense that she was uncomfortable.

"Y/N, first I want to say sorry for what I have treated you. I was just really hurt. It was so immature, I know. But, why did you have to leave?" I asked fiddling my hands.

"I was set up in an arranged marriage." Y/N said.

"To who?" I asked.

"Heidi. She is the daughter of my dad's business partner. Our company was about to close and that was the only solution to keep the company going. I have to marry her. I actually didn't want to take over to run the company but I was young. We were together that time and they gave me a choice either to study business school, trainings and everything or marry Heidi. Because if I marry Heidi I don't need to go through those schooling and trainings but I was begging I don't want to marry Heidi. Since I didn't want to be with Heidi I chose to study in New York. I had to focus that's why I have to break up with you. I'm so so sorry for not telling you this but my parents doesn't like me to be with you. I struggled a lot in New York when I was studying. You know I wasn't good in my academics but I tried to learn everything about running a business. I promised them if I finished my schooling and run our business I'm free to love and marry anyone I love and they agreed to it. Then now I'm here. That was it. I cameback for you and I never thought of replacing you." Y/N explained and I held her hand. How could her parents be so cruel to her. She was about to cry but I engulfed her with a warm hug.

"I'm so sorry. I should have listened to you in the first place. I regret everything I did. I made you suffer. You must hate me right now." I said and Y/N pulled away.

"I never hated you. It's okay atleast I tried even though I wasn't sure what will I get when I came back." Y/N said.

"Uhm you can go now. Your boyfriend is probably waiting for you. "Y/N said and gave me a smile.

" Boyfriend? Billy is not my boyfriend. When you saw me this morning with him, it wasn't like that. Nothing happend between us, I promise. Last night at the club, I was so jealous when I saw you with Irin. We danced and when he took me home well uhm yes we kissed. It didn't get any further. When we were making out, I was thinking about you that's why I got carried away and left me well us in our underwear but I stopped him. That's why you saw us like that this morning with a blanket around me but I swear nothing happend." I explained and Y/N didn't say anything but just looked at me. She carressed my face and I was hoping she would kiss me.

"It's alright. Maybe we are not ready yet to start again." Y/N said and my heart ached.

Y/N stood up and checked her watch.

"I have to get going. You take care." She said and I got up from my seat and held her arms.

"How long will you be in New York?" I asked.

"3 weeks or a month, I'm not sure." She answered and I nodded. She'll be away for too long.

"I'll wait for you until you comeback. I want to give us a fair chance." I stated and hoping she would agree with me.

"I'll be out for business and I'm gonna meet Heidi there as well. You don't have to wait for me. I'll be fine." Y/N said and it didn't felt good.

"I don't care ,as long as I'm still breathing I'll wait. I already waited for you for 5 years. One month won't kill me but I have something to ask you." I said.

"What is it?" Y/N said looking at me confused.

"Even if you met up with Heidi for any purpose you two have , please remember I'm here waiting for you." I said and hugged her. Y/N wasn't hugging back and just tapped my back. I want to make it up to her I told myself.

"What's wrong?" I asked worridly.

"Uhm Becky, I'm really sorry. I can't do it anymore. Please, I don't want you to wait for me. " Y/N said.

"But Y/N..."  I tried to talk but she cut me off.

"I'm sorry. I have to go."  Y/N let go of my hand and I started to cry again.

Once she let go, she took her suitcase and walked away. That was the last time I saw her.

---- The End----

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