School Queen - Part 9

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Becky's POV

I was studying at my room when I heard a knock on the door and it was my mom.

"Hey honey," my mom said as she enetered.

"Hi mom." I said and get back to my books.

" I see you're doing your homeworks now." She said and I knew what she was trying to say.

" I heard you and Billy broke up." Mom started and stood beside my study table.

"Uhumm." That's all I answered.

"You know I don't like him for you Becky. That's good you ended things with him." My mom added.

"I know. You don't like anyone for me, Even my friends Nam and Charlotte." I flatly answered and I heard my mom sighed.

" Who is Y/N?" My mom asked and I smiled by just hearing her name.

"Uhm, she is my,, uhm she's a new friend of mine. A really special friend." I said and I couldn't stop smiling.

"I see. You know what honey, I heard Y/N is a good student. I see her records at school and she's an outstanding student and very bright." She added and I almost forgot mom is the principal of our school that's why she knows. Then she continued.
"People nowadays don't care who we like nor date and that includes me." Mom said and I was kind of confused so I stopped what I was doing and faced her.

"What are you trying to say , mom?" I asked.

"What I am saying is that it's okay to like someone with the same gender and I always knew that since you were younger even if you don't tell me. You're my daughter, I know you too well and I'm okay with it. I know that when you were dating Billy it was just a cover up, right. That's why I don't like him for you. I want you to be real Becky. Just be who you are. I'm not a perfect mother but I know my daughter. I understand everything about you." My mom said and I hugged her.

"Thanks mom. I love you so much." I said and I almost cried.

"I've always loved you, honey." She said and caressed my hair.

"So tell me, who is Y/N? I see the way your face lit up upon hearing her name. Even at your party you kept glancing at her, I noticed." My mom said smiling at me.

"You noticed? Am I that really obvious?" I said and we both chuckled.

"Now tell me, who is she? I want to know who is she now that my baby is 18 and growing up." My mom said and I started talking to her about Y/N and how I felt for her. She listened and for the first time I feel so open to my mom.


It was Sunday afternoon and I used my mom's car to pick up Becky at her house. I had everything ready. I decided that we will go for a picnic date at the beach since I know Becky loves the beach.
When we arrived at the beach, I set up the blanket. I brought us homecooked meals, fresh fruits, chips, sweet chocolates, milk tea since it's her favorite drink. I also brought water of course, even if she doesn't drink much water and I don't know what's wrong with this girl. Lol. I also brought us pillows and bluetooth speaker , it's nice to have a little music.

Everything was set up and we sat down the blanket. We took pictures and started talking. Lucky for us there weren't a lot of people. We laughed and feed each other with the food I brought and It was really amazing. I feel butterflies in my stomach and I could listen to her laugh forever. It feels like music to my ears. Her smile was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. One moment, Becky rested her head between my neck and my shoulder and I carefully put my arms around her. She pressed her back on my front and I could feel the warmth as we stayed in that position.

Becky's POV

I could feel Y/N's heartbeat as I rested myself to her and it was the best feeling ever. I wish we could stay like this forever with her arms around me like she's holding the most fragile thing on earth and I loved it. I closed my eyes for a little bit and she started to whisper sweet nothings. I already fallen for her.

"Y/N?" I said.

"Hmm?" She replied.

"What are you thinking , right now?" I asked.

" Right now, I still couldn't believe I'm here with you and that you agreed to go out with me." Y/N said and I slowly looked at her.

"Anyone would be so lucky to have you. I've never felt like this with anyone before." I said and Y/N took a hold of my hands and looked right into my eyes.

" Becky I want to ask you. I know you might think it's fast but I want to tell you how I feel." She said and my heart was skipping a beat as I waited for her to continue.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Y/N said and I didn't think of a second thought and I nodded continuously.

"Yes Y/N, I would love to be yours." I said and she pulled me in a warm embrace. We went back to our position like before and held each other just enjoying the moment.


I was about to jump in the ocean when Becky said yes to be my gilrfriend. I was the happiest person alive. Finally I can call her mine. I held her so tight like not wanting to let go of her. We stayed for hours and none of us mind even if it's already sunset.

Becky's POV

We watched the sunset and I slowly looked up to
Y/N. I palmed her cheeks and slowly our foreheads touched. I started to lean in very slowly and tilted my head a little until our lips touched. Then we had our first kiss. I savored the moment and it was the sweetes thing. I felt like my whole world was surrounded with the brightest colors. It was a loving kiss and very romantic. Her lips was so soft and I could kiss her all day until air became a problem.

"I love you." There it was , the three words. I finally said it as I was still holding her cheeks.

" I love you too, Becky." Y/N replied and we shared another kiss. The second kiss turned into a mini make out. I held her neck as we both deepened the kiss. We didn't care about the surroundings all we know was we have each other. I closed the gap between our bodies and we were so closed to each other until I felt something down there. I suddenly broke the kiss and looked down. I looked back to
Y/N and I know that she got the meaning and I was shocked.

" Oh I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have just.." Y/N said in panic. She let go of me and I could see she was embarassed of what I just witnessed.

"Y/N, Y/N. It's okay. You don't have to be embarassed about it." I said and I tried to calm her down. She didn't look at me.

"It's alright Y/N . I've heard about that condition before and besides..." I leaned in closer to her ear and whispered. " I'm more than okay with it." I said and she looked at me. I gave her a wink and she chuckled shyly.

" I'm still sorry for not telling you about it. About me being an intersex." She said and I nodded okay. I understand her of course, that's not something that you tell everybody about it but to me I don't mind.

The sun was down and almost dark . We finished all the foods and started to pack up and also the breeze was already getting cold. We put everything in the car and Y/N drove me home.

"I had a really great time with you Y/N. It was the best and romantic date I've ever had. I love you." I said and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Thanks Becky. I had the best day ever with you. I love you so much. And thank you for understanding things." Y/N said and I nodded.

"Drive slowly , okay? I'll see you tomorrow at school."
I got out the car and watched her drove off the road. I was smiling from ear to ear and I couldn't get that moment out of my head. I really had fallen for her.

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