School Queen - Part 15

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Becky's POV

My parents gave me their permission to go on
Y/N's and her family's overnight at the resort and I was really excited.
It was Saturday afternoon and they picked me up at my house. I had everything I need for the stay. It was a 1 hour drive until we arrived at the villa and it was really beautiful.

Y/N's parents allowed us to share a room.The room was nice and you can see the view of the beach by the balcony.

We had dinner together and Y/N's dad was really nice and he is good at jokes. I felt their warm welcome and everyone seemed so nice to me. It was my first to feel to be welcomed in another family. Y/N is like her dad and they really good at cracking jokes and I never laughed so hard in my life.
One night, me and Y/N were walking near the sea. It was dark just few lights around and just a few people around. The place was beautiful and you could see some couples just having their own moment.

" I have something for you." Y/N said as we stopped and she pulled out something from her pocket.

"Uhm. I've never done this before." She said and she opened the box, it was a ring.

"Y/N?" I asked and I looked at her. I'm only 18 and I'm not ready yet for marriage. We're both too young for that. I thought inside my head. Y/N saw my facial expression which I know she noticed and she chuckled.

"Oh no. No. It's not what you think. Uhm this is a couple ring. I already wear mine." Y/N said and she showed me the ring on her finger. I breathed deep because I know and she know that we're still too young. We have to graduate first before taking our relationship to the next level.

"Uhm. I want you to have this. It's a promise ring. Becky, I will wait for you and for us until we are both ready to take it to the next step. I don't want to say any dramas but I also want everyone to know that you're already taken." Y/N said and she gave me her signature smile that always got my knees weak. I engulfed her with a hug and kissed her cheeks.

"Another thing is because my girlfriend is too beautiful. Once they see the ring they should back off." Y/N said and I found it really cute but still I laughed just a little.

"You know I will always choose you." I answered and I pecked her lips three times.


After I gave Becky her ring, we walked around as I put my arms around her shoulder and enjoyed the rest of the night.
We went back to our shared room and we both did our evening routine. We brushed our teeth and changed our clothes. Becky was doing her skin care so it might take a while. I stood by the balcony and watched the stars above. Later on, I felt arms snaking from behind and Becky took a little sniff of my neck and shoulder.

"What's on your mind, baby?" Becky asked.

"Hmm nothing much, just thinking of throwing you to the ocean tomorrow morning." I joked and she playfully hit my back.

We stayed in that position for a moment until I turned around to face my girlfriend. I looked at her she looked like a goddess in her night dress and I felt so lucky having her. I caressed her cheeks and kissed her passionately.

Becky's POV

Me and Y'N shared a passionate make out on the balcony. I held her neck and deepened the kiss. She held my waist tight and I pushed myself closer to her. I stopped and looked at her in the eyes. I feel love and lust at the same time. I know we both wanted each other so we went back on kissing again. Y/N slowly pushed us inside the room and she closed the sliding door behind us.
She started kissing my jaw then down to my neck and I closed my eyes as I gripped her head.
She slowly pulled the strap of my nightdress down and planted soft kisses on my shoulder blade. She then took it all off down and I wasn't wearing any bra just my underwear. She admired my body and all I wanted was for her to touch me.

"You're so beautiful." She whispered and we made out.

She carefully laid me down the bed and straddled me. She took off her shirt leaving her in her sports bra and boxers. I traced her abs with my hands and I sat up. I ran my tongue all over her and I could feel that she tensed up. As I reached her waistband, I massaged her through her boxers. I watched her as she closed her eyes then she pulled me up and kissed my lips like it's a drug. We both laid down and we were laying sidewards. I pressed my back on her front as she kept planting kisses on my shoulder and ran her hands all over my body. It felt so romantic and It feels like heaven already. I tilted my head back as we kissed in that position. Her one hand went to massaged my left breast without breaking the kiss and she had me moaning. She kept squeezing my breast and It felt so good. Then she came on top of me. She pulled down my wet underwear and placed herself between my legs. She kissed my neck and went down to my breast. She started biting my nipple and sucked them after. I was moaning and she was enjoying herself. She gave them the same attention and kept doing the biting and sucking and I'm pretty sure I would have a lot of hickeys.
We said i love you's in between the moans and kisses. I was so aroused from the pleasure she was giving then she removed her boxers and started grinding on my wet core.
She slowly pushed herself in and I gripped the sheets. We've only done this once so it still hurts.
She was so hard and when she started to move I put my arms around her and pulled her closer with my legs. She was really gentle with me and we kept kissing as she fuck me. I moaned and my eyes rolled back. I signalled her to go faster then after a few strokes she put her hands on each side and started slamming into me.

I was panting and moaning as my mouth was in an O shaped. She was hitting my spot just right and I sprawled my body on the bed and let her fuck me.
I could feel her meat stretching me and she was groaning. She kept slamming into me like there was no tomorrow and I almost cried from the pleasure.
I could feel her getting close so I spread my legs wider to give her more access. We both came and I let her filled me with her hot cum. After riding out our highs, she covered our naked bodies with the blanket. When our breathing became normal, we kissed each other softly.

"I hope I wasn't being rough with you." Y/N said and I chuckled.

"You are so good , baby." I praised her.

We held each other tight and stayed under the sheets . We almost forgot that it was actually a family outing because of that steamy night.

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