Fate and Faith - Part 16

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Becky's POV

I just finished tidying up the bedroom then went downstairs to watch on Lily. As I reached the living room I saw Y/N standing by the door getting ready for work and I noticed she was looking at Lily who was playing. I wondered what she was thinking about.

"Baby, are you alright?" I asked as I approached her.

"Yeah. Just about to leave." Y/N said and I know something was going on her head.

"Something bothering you?" I asked worridly.

"I was just thinking." She answered and sighed.

"About what?" I asked.

"About Lily. You know I've treated her like my own. Even if she doesn't understand things yet. Do you think she'll let me into her life, you know not just like the way she sees me right now." Y/N said in a soft tone and I nodded.I could see her frowning.

"I know what you mean. She will understand that even in her simple way." I said and kissed her cheek.

Y/N left to work and since it was my day off and Lily got no school I decided to have a bonding with her.
It's been a while since I've spent time with Lily just the two of us when I started working and I thought I would grab the moment.

We were walking down the park while Lily was busy with her ice cream.

"Let's sit down for a bit, honey." I said and Lily nodded.
We sat down in the park bench and I wiped the ice cream mess from Lily's face.

I tied her hair up and looked at her.

"Uhm Lily , baby, can I ask you something?" I carefully asked and Lily smiled at me.

"Uh what do you think of Y/N? She's been with us you know for quite a long time now. I just want to know what do you think of her?" I asked.

"Hmm She's nice ,mommy. She gives us lots of food and candies. She plays with me too." Lily answered innocently and I nodded. I know at her young age I was expecting those kind of answers from her.

"Do you feel uncomfortable around her?" I asked and Lily nodded.

"Uhm Arlight then, Do....Do you like her, baby?" I asked carefully and calmly.

"Yes, mommy. I like her. What about you , mommy? Do you like her too?" Lily asked.

"I do, baby. I want to tell you that Y/N means so much to me too. I have to ask you a question but you don't have to answer it right away." I said and Lily nodded.

"Uhm  what do you think of having two moms? Well like you have me your mommy and Y/N as your another mom? " I asked and my heart started to skip. I felt nervous to hear her answer.

"Two moms?" Lily asked.

"Yes , baby. Uhm Are you okay with it?" I asked nervously and carefully.

"Hmmm. My classmates have mommy and daddy. So yes, mommy. I want to have two mommies." Lily answered happily.

I hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Lily." I said.

"I love you too, mommy." She answered.

"Mommy?" Lily asked as she let go from me and sat on my lap. I hummed in response.

"Why do you call Y/N "baby"?" She asked and I my eyes widened.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I hear you call her "baby" too, but I'm your baby." She said and I chuckled.

"Well uhm. That's just an endearment for someone that I love. You and Y/N are the love of my life. But you can't call her that, okay? Because it's still different." I answered.

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