Fate and Faith - Part 1

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"Thank you so much. Have a great day." I said to the cashier staff after paying the freshly baked bread that I just bought. Before I reached the door of the shop I saw a middle aged man yelling to a young woman and pushing her out of the shop.

"Beggars are not allowed here. Get out! You stink!" The old man yelled to the woman and he was pushing her out to the door. A little girl clinging to the woman's shirt and she was crying. I assumed it was her daughter. The young woman hesitated until she got pushed by the old man out of the bread shop. The young woman fell on the ground with an impact.
The little girl ran to her crying and tried to help her.

"Mommmy." Cried the little girl as she tried to help her.

"Don't come back here!" The old man yelled pointing his finger to the young woman who was now on the ground. People just stared at them and my heart breaks because nobody attempted to help. I couldn't take it so I approached them nicely.

"Excuse me, What's going on here?" I gently asked the old man that I assumed was the owner of the shop or a manager.

"These two tried to steal breads from the shop." He answered glaring to the young woman. I watched her as she slowly got up and held the little girl while lowering her head. They both looked so hungry and dirty.

"Keep a hold on your wallet. " the old man told me and walked back in the shop just like that.
The little girl was crying and the woman carried her up to calm her down.

"Uhm miss, are you okay?" I asked sincerely as I remembered she got pushed.

"I'm used to it. I was just asking for a piece of bread for my daughter. I did not steal. I never steal for food." The woman said as tears running down her face. Her daughter must be really hungry as her cry wouldn't stop.

"You wait here." I said and went back inside the shop.

I bought 3 pieces of loaves inside and went back to the young woman.

"Here, take this. This might help." I smiled and handed her the brown paper bag. The woman took it with her free hand.

"Thank you, ma'am." She said. She opened the paper bag and showed it her daughter.

"Look baby, we have food. Say thank you to the kind lady." The young woman said to her daughter. The little girl just looked at me and she looked scared. I just smiled . She took the bread from the bag and started munching on it and she looked very cute. I thought of giving them a little amount of money but I decided not to since I have this doubt in mind that she might use it in other things that might lead them to trouble, so giving them food was way better than giving them money.

"Uhm. I'll leave you two alone. Take care." I said and left.

I went to work after that morning and started to work on my projects. I work as an architect. It was very stressful but at the same time it was fun too. Designing houses, buildings, establishments and sometimes I make some skyscrapers stuff like that. I remembered the young woman and the little girl crying for food and I felt so blessed that I wasn't in their situation. I hoped that the 3 pieces loaves I gave them will atleast help their hunger even it wasn't that much.

Hours later.

"Hey , Y/N, are you on overtime tonight?" My bestfriend Engfa asked.

"Uh no. I already finished my work." I answered as I was getting my stuff and ready to go home.

"Cool. Wanna hang out tonight?" Engfa asked.

"Maybe next time. I'm really tired. I just want to go home." I anwered.

"Okay. On friday night?" She asked and I know my bestfriend wouldn't stop.

"Alright. Friday." I said.

"Great. Night buddy." She said and left.

2 days later

I just got out of work at 6pm and I was driving around looking for a fastfood to get dinner. I picked Mcdonalds and after I parked my car, I saw the young woman again with her daughter standing by the entrance. It was already cold and they were wearing thin clothes. I was sure they still didn't had dinner you can see how they kept glancing at the people who were eating inside, so I slowly approached them.

"Hello there. We meet again." I smiled at the young woman and her daughter.

"Good evening , Ma'am." She greeted. I looked at her daughter and I lowered myself to level her.

"Hello there , little one. What's your name?" I started. She looked at her mother asking like she was asking for permission to talk to me.

"I'm Lily." The little girl answered.

"It's a beautiful name. My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you , Lily." I said and she just kept staring at me.

"So Lily, I'm really hungry. I want to eat burgers. Do you want to eat inside with me?" I baby talked her.

Lily slowly nodded. I get up to talk to her mom.

"Your daughter is really hungry ,miss. I'll buy you both something to eat." I offered. I could see the woman was also starving.

"Uhm. Thank you but we can eat here outside if you don't mind." The woman said.

"It's cold out here atleast you can sit inside comfortably." I said but she was still hesitant until she nodded and accepted it.

I let them sit at one corner and wait for me. I went to the counter and ordered some food.

I went back carrying the tray of food and placed it on our table. Lily smiled and whispered something to her mom. Her mom tapped her head and smiled at each other which I find it very cute.

"Here." I said and prepared the table. I gave them both foods and drink. Lily started eating and her mom too. They looked really hungry.

Some people were staring at us but I didn't mind.

"Ma'am?are you sure this is okay to you? People are looking at us. Aren't you embarassed eating with us?" The woman said.

"No. Why woukd I be embarassed. Don't mind them, okay." I smiled and she nodded. I still didn't ask for her name since I was just helping them to fill up their stomach no anything in return but the young woman started.

"Uhm. My name is Becky, Ma'am. May I know your name?" She asked nicely.

"I'm Y/N. Nice meeting you , Becky." I smiled.

-Part 2 comin up. Stay tuned. Hehehe.

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