School Queen - Part 2

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I was at my locker with Engfa and I took a glance at my morning view and there was Becky and Billy sucking each other's tongue. It was kinda gross and annoying at the same time. They almost kind of switch faces by what they were doing. Suddenly, the school queen walked towards us. Believe me, Becky has a small frame but she could do anything with you if you try to mess with her. She's really beautiful but a very mean attitude but I know it's just her cover up of something that's why she's like that.

"Where is my homework nerdie?" Becky said and I handed her her papers. She didn't say anything or even asked about it but she just took it from my hand and walked away. Me and Engfa didn't give a damn so we went to our class and it was Physical Education.

We were at the gym to play volleyball and I saw Becky and her classmates sitting like what were they doing there?We were not in the same class. Suddenly, our P.E teacher Mr. Sunny announced that our Section will be playing with the other Section which was Becky's. I saw Becky, Nam and Charlotte whispering to each other and chuckling until they got scolded by Mr. Sunny by not paying attention since he was explaining and giving instructions of proper way on playing volleyball. Deep inside I was laughing . Lol.

Almost half an hour we were playing volleyball and it was kinda fun. Since I was tall , I don't have problem playing. But then suddenly, when me and Nam went for the ball, as we jumped to reach for it she got the ball first and hit it towards my face so hard and it went black and I passed out.

Becky's POV

When Y/N was hit by the ball, everyone rushed to her. Mr. Sunny carried Y/N to the clinic and her nose was bleeding.

"Everyone, stay here. Wait for me till I comeback." Mr. Sunny told us.

Everyone was worried for Y/N and her bestfriend Engfa went with Mr. Sunny.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled at Nam and shoved her.

"Whoah. It was an accident. It wasn't that hard." Nam explained.

"Not that hard? Y/N passed out. Do you wanna go to jail if it gets worse? " I answered back.

I walked away from them and sat at the bleachers and waited until Mr. Sunny came back 20 minutes later.

He talked with Nam and she explained everything that it was an accident. Well it really was maybe. I'm tired of getting involved especially if my friends got into trouble and had to explain to my mom not to give them detention.

When Mr. Sunny dismissed us, I went to the clinic to see Y/N.
I saw Engfa sitting beside the bed where Y/N was lying down. I slowly knocked and Engfa turned and I know she was shocked to see me. I carefully walked towards them and Y/N was still asleep.

"What are you doing here?" Engfa asked harshly.

"I came here peacefully to check up on Y/N." I answered.

"Well that's so not you. Where are your so called friends?" She added.

"It's just me." I said and she nodded.

I looked at Y/N and her face was swollen. I sighed, this is really bad , I told myself. I imagined the scenario once my mom finds out about this. I have to defend everyone so that no one is getting detention or anything. I really hope Y/N is okay.

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