Lust or Love - Part 1

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Becky's POV

I've been married to Y/N for 4 years. We used to be very happy in our first year of marriage but as time goes by my feelings for her started to fade. Maybe because we're both busy with each others businesses. I own a clothing company and she owns a car company. We met because both of our parents were also business owners and they were very close friends and that's how.
We barely talk to each other and neither of us mind. Even our sexual intimacy was gone. Then I met Mike, a very attractive man and good looking as well. I spent more of my time with him than with my wife, when Mike confessed his feelings for me I didn't think twice to be with him. I told Y/N about my relationship with Mike and she said it was okay for her. Me and Y/N still share the same roof but we're just like boarders. We have different rooms and we mind our own businesses and I don't wear my wedding ring anymore when I started dating Mike.

One morning, I knocked on Y/N's room and she was in her office table doing some paperworks. Well nothing's new , I was used to it and I actually don't care whatever she do.

"Y/N." I said and plopped a white folder on her table.

"What's this?"she asked as she took the folder that went in the way of her paperworks.

"It's the divorce paper. Read it and signed it after, then give it back to me." I said bluntly without caring about anything.

"Y/N, this marriage sucks. I want to be free and for you too. You can do whatever you want with your life and I can do mine. I want to go on a life with Mike." I said and Y/N didn't say anything.

"Okay. When do you want this?"She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"As long as you're done with it just give it back to me and I'll hand it to the attorney to process it." I said and she just nodded.
Y/N put the folder on the side and went back to what she was doing.
I left her room and called Mike. Gosh , I couldn't wait to be free again and be with Mike, so I called him and he immediately answer it.

Phone convo:

"Hi babe." Mike said and I smiled.

"Hey. Are you busy right now?" I asked.

"You know I'm always free if it's with you." He said and I giggled the way he said it.

"Can I come over? I'm really stressed." I asked in a pouty-flirty voice.

"Of course, anytime. I'll help you release your stress." Mike said in a flirty tone and I knew what he meant.

I put the phone down and bit my lip at the thought of Mike doing the naughty stuff to me so I went straight to his place.


I overheard the conversation of Becky and Mike over the phone and it really hurts me that she really fell out of love. She was my dreamgirl but everything seemed to fall apart. It was my fault too that she lose her interest in our marriage. When she gave me the divorcement paper, I didn't want to open it. There was still a part of me that I still want to hold on to her but there was also a part that I want to let her go and let her do the things that makes her happy. Be with someone who gives her her happiness. I rested my back on my office chair and started to overthink about our divorce. Do we really need to do this? I looked at my wedding ring and I smiled as I remember when me and Becky said our
" I do's". I remember how happy we were that moment, our honeymoon and how we build our home to start a life but that was all just a memory now. Becky doesn't want me and need me in her life. She wanted to be with Mike.

One evening, I was doing the dishes when the front door opened. I went to the living room and saw Becky entered the house with a huge smile on her face and she didn't care to look at me. Of course why would she care, we already broke up.

"Becky, if you're hungry there still food that I just put on the fridge." I said and she ignored me and went upstairs.

Becky's POV

I came home and I heard Y/N was saying something but I just ignored her and it didn't seem to be important. I went to my room and I felt exhausted after all the activities with Mike. I was smiling like an idiot and rolled on my bed as I remembered how he satisfy me that Y/N never did to me. Maybe she did once or twice but with Mike it was amazing. I showered and went to bed. I still come home because I don't want to be accused of adultery since I was still married to Y/N but as soon as the paper is done I'll be good to go. I sighed as I couldn't wait for the divorce so I could finally be happy and free.

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