Dawn of Love - Part 3

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Becky's POV

I pretended to be asleep when I felt her infront of me and I heard everything she said. I missed her so much but I wasn't ready to let her back in my life again.

1 week later

At the office.

My phone rang and It was my friend Faye.

"Hey girl." She said.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked.

"Let's go clubbing tonight." She said and I could hear her excitement. I wasn't actually in the mood but well I thought it was kinda fun.

"Yeah. Okay. Where? Same club?" I asked and she said yes.

Since it's Friday night maybe It's fine to loosen up all the stress.

Y/N picked me up and drove me home. I actually got a better idea.

"I'm going to the club tonight with my friends. Come with me." I said to Y/N.

"You want me to come with you? Uhm are you sure you want me to be there with you? Your friends will see me." Y/N said and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't be so dramatic. Come with me. End of discussion." I said more like a command.

As I reached home, I told Y/N to wait for me in 10 minutes since I just have to change my outfit for clubbing. I wore a tight dress just above my knee and  the fitting showed my curves. I got my high heels and asked Y/N to bring me to the club.

When I entered the club all my girl friends were there. Charlotte, Faye and Rue. The music was so loud and people were just having the time of their life.


I accompanied Becky in the club and honestly I was so out of place. No one of her friends dared to talk to me and I just sat there being invisible. Becky treated me like I was her assistant. If they want to get drinks or food they asked me. I didn't complain since I agreed to this. I watched Becky how she talked and she was really different. I was a bit annoyed and I think it was my fault that she became like that and Irin told me about it. Later on, a tall handsome looking guy approached their table.

"Hey girls. Mind if I join you tonight?" The guy asked and he was looking at Becky. Becky smiled at him in a really flirty way.

"Sure. Come sit with me." Becky said and she slightly pushed me to give room for the guy.

"Ignore her she's just a nobody." Becky said pointing at me.

"I'm Billy. You are?" The guy asked.

"I'm Becky." Becky said and winked at him.

They started talking with each other and started flirting too. Nobody noticed me so I got up and went to the bathroom.

As I got out someone called me.

Y/N?" I turned around and it was Irin. I felt relived that I have someone to talk to.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Irin asked.

"I'm just accompanying Becky and her friends." I answered as I gestured where Becky was and Irin nodded.

"Right. So how was it? Are you okay?" Irin asked and I know she could read my face by the way she asked me.

"I'm not sure." I sighed.

"Hmm Becky seemed busy with her friends. Who's the guy with her?" She asked pointing the direction where Becky was.

"He said his name was Billy. They just met." I answered.

"Uh do you wanna come join us? I'm with my friends Kade and Noey" Irin said and I looked at Becky and she was engrossed talking to Billy so I agreed with Irin.

I joined her friends and they are really kind people. I actually like them they are fun to talk with.
I still kept glancing at Becky and she was laughing and enjoying so I just let her.

Becky's POV

I was busy talking to Billy when I noticed Y/N was not in her seat anymore. I looked around and I spotted her with ... Irin? My ex bestfriend Irin was with Y/N. They seemed enjoying each others company and I could see Y/N smiling and laughing with her. What the hell? She should be here with me but why was she with Irin. I was only talking to Billy to make Y/N jealous but it ended the other way around. I was the one who got jealous of Y/N and Irin. I took a hard of my drink and got up from my seat. I held Billy's hand and drag him to the dancefloor. I started dancing with him with my back pressed on his front. He put his hands on my waist and I started to sway my hips to the beat of the music. I want Y/N to see me with Bily. I started to make it hot and wild so I started grinding myself on him. I could feel his bulge on my ass and we started dry humping each other. I pulled the back of bis neck and kept dancing with him.


I saw Becky and Billy's  dirty dancing. I admit I was so jealous of them but I tried not to make it obvious so I just ignored them and let Becky enjoy the night the way she wanted it to. Irin saw it too and she slowly patted my shoulder.

"Hey. Are you alright?" Irin asked in concern.

"I'm not. Becky is a grown woman. She knows what she's doing. If she's doing it on purpose then I can't do anything about it." I said and frowned.

I watched them from afar and I couldn't take it anymore. Becky was having fun already and she doesn't need me anymore.

"Uhm Irin. I have to go now. I'm feeling sleepy." I said.

"What about Becky? You're just gonna leave her with the guy?" Irin said.

"It's up to her if she forgets her limitation but I know she'll be fine. I still trust her. By the way nice meeting you all. I really need to go. See you guys around." I said and everyone waved me goodbye.

I got home and slumped on my sofa. It was too much for me. I think it's time for me to give up. I told myself.

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