School Queen - Part 7

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The day came and it was Becky's 18th birthday .I was at the mall to buy her a birthday present. Believe me , the hardest part is to buy a present. I find it difficult to buy someone a present if you're not sure if that person will like it since you know she has everything. The last store that I went was a cosmetic shop , something caught my attention and I bought it for her but I'm still not sure if she'll like it.

I went to pick Engfa up since my mom let me use her car for tonight. We wore a semi formal attire since it was a pool party. As we arrived at the party , there were a lot of people already.

Becky's POV

The party was about to start and I was looking for
Y/N hoping she would show up. It took me half an hour to wait for them until Y/N and Engfa arrived. I was smiling from ear to ear when I saw Y/N. She looked really nice in her outfit.

"Happy Birthday Becky." Y/N and Engfa greeted.

"Thank you. I'm really glad you both came. You guys looked nice." I praised and they both smiled.

"You too. You look really beautiful." Y/N said and I blushed at the compliment.

"Oh this is for you. " Y/N handed me a small brown paper bag.

"You didn't have to get me anything , your presence is enough but thank you." I said.

"The place is really beautiful." Engfa said.

"The foods and drinks are over there. Please help yourself and don't be shy. I'll get back to you later, okay. Enjoy." I said and went to other guests.


The party was amazing. The foods were delicous and everyone was enjoying it. I was standing with Engfa while sipping our iced tea as I watched Becky from afar smiling and laughing with some of her guests. I felt like my whole world stopped in slow motion while staring at her. She is really beautiful like an angel that came down from heaven. I didn't notice I was staring at her that long.

"Hey Y/N. You alright?" Engfa asked.

"Yeah I'm good." I answered.

"You zoned out." She said.

"I like her." I started as I was still looking at Becky.

"Who? Becky?" I nodded carefully.

"I know. I see the way you look at her. Your eyes sparkle everytime you see her or talk about her." Engfa added.

" What should I do Engfa?" I asked and looked her.

"Hmm, confess?" She answered in a question.

"No way. Of course she doesn't feel the same way." I said.

"What if she does? You can try but be sure you're ready for her response, well atleast you try." Enfa said.

Becky's POV

I went to the bathroom after talking to some of my guests. The party was great and I was about to find Y/N when suddenly a guy stopped infront of me.

"Billy?" I said.

"Hey Babe, Happy Birthday." Billy said and was about to kiss me. I smelled a bit of alcohol in him and I quickly pushed him.

"Don't call me that. How did you get here? Who invited you?" I asked him and he was drunk.

"Pffft. I'm Billy. Everyone still knows me I'm your boyfriend so they let me in." He answered.

"You're drunk, go home Billy." I said and he closed our gap between us. He grabbed my face and started kissing me. I tried to push him away but he was so strong. I put all my strength until I push him hard and kicked his groin. He groaned in pain and I left him on the ground but I didn't care. I went back to find Y/N but I couldn't find her and Engfa. I sighed in defeat, she must have left the party already.


I was heading to the bathroom with Engfa when I saw Becky and Billy making out. My heart dropped at the sight. There was Billy holding Becky's face as they were kissing. I tried to hold my tears and left the scene quickly. She had me believed that she broke up with Billy and that I got a chance on her but from what I have just witnessed she was still with him.

"Hey, you alright?" Engfa asked and she tapped my back. I just nodded.

"I think we should go home." I said and Engfa nodded.

"Are we not gonna tell them that we're leaving?" Engfa asked.

"Who are we gonna tell? Nobody knows us here of course they won't mind." I answered with a little bit of annoyance.

Engfa and I left the party before anyone could notice. I dropped her at her house and I went straight home. I was crying and dying inside. I curled up in bed and stare at the ceiling. Why do we have to fall for the wrong person. Tears started to fall down my cheeks until my sleep took over.

Becky's POV

After the party everybody went home and I called the security to take Billy home since he was really really drunk. I still couldn't believe why Y/N left the party without saying a word, I was looking forward to hang out with her and Engfa.

I went to my room carrying all my presents. I remember that Y/N gave me one , so I searched for it. As I found it, I opened the small brown paper bag and it was a strawberry lipbalm with a note inside that says  " Smile is the best accessory anyone could wear .". I smiled after reading it. It was a little cheezy but also cute and sweet at the same time. Y/N really is something I just wished she stayed a little bit longer at the party but still I was upset she just left without even telling me.

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