Fate and Faith - Part 2

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Becky's POV

Me and my daughter was sitting with the very kind hearted woman. Her name is Y/N. I had no idea why she was helping us. She looked young but I believed she's older than me and she is also beautiful. I had a very rough life but I was thankful I have my amazing princess beside me.

I looked at my daughter enjoying her meal that Y/N bought for us. I also enjoyed it but at the same time I was embarassed. I know that she was thinking why I was homeless at my age.

We didn't actually talk but all of us just kept eating.


I didn't ask Becky what happened to her. She looked very young to be on the street begging for people to give her money and food. I don't want to judge her since I don't know her story and I just want to help them.  The three of us just ate the meal and of course , it was very awkward since we were both strangers to each other. I know she was thinking why am I helping them. I don't know but I just want to help them and her daughter.

After the meal, I watched Becky as she wiped Lily's mess from her face. Lily was smiling to her mom and she looked really happy. I was awed the way Lily looked at her mom Becky.

"Thank you so much Ma'am for the meal. I'll repay you if I could." Becky said shyly as she was holding Lily.

"You're very welcome. Don't worry about it." I smiled as we were standing outside.

"So, I have to go. I'll see you around. Okay?" I said. I crunched down to talk to Lily.
"You take care." I said to Lily and tapped her head carefully.

"Goodnight , Ma'am." Backy said and I bowed my head.

I went inside my car and started the engine. I slowly accelerated my car. It was only like 8 meters away and I glanced at my side mirror. I saw two men approached Becky and Lily. I stopped and watched them. I noticed one man started to get too close to Becky. "This isn't good" I told myself. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. I walked back to Becky and I heard Lily started to cry. The man was pulling Becky away from Lily.
"Come on. Just one night and I'll pay you." The man said and I was disgusted after hearing that.

When I reached them, I took all my strength and hit the man that was pulling Becky with my fist. He fell on the ground and groaned at the pain. The other one stared at me.

"What?" I asked aggressively.
"If you're not gonna leave them alone, I'll call the police." I said and he looked scared. Funny how those men got scared by just my glaring eyes. I pulled Becky out of them with Lily and led them to my car.

"Becky, it's not safe for the both of you out here in this night." I told Becky in concern.

"I know. It happens sometimes." Becky answered in embarassment.

" You mean that this isn't the first time that happend?" I asked and Becky shook her head.
I'm really worried about Becky and Lily out in the night.

"I'll just look for a convenience store near a gasoline station. That's where I usually stay with Lily." Becky answered. I felt bad for them and I don't think I could sleep leaving them out in the dark night. I looked at Lily and she already fell asleep in Becky's arms because of crying.

"You can stay at my house. I have a spare room. It's not safe here." I offered.

"That's sounds really generous of you but I don't think we should. Me and Lily are used to sleep out in the street. It's okay, I can take care of ourselves, Ma'am." Becky answered.

"Becky, come with me. You much safer if you stay with me even just for tonight. For Lily." I said.

Becky agreed with my offer. They both got inside my car and I drove us home.

"Okay. Come on, I'll take you to your room upstairs." I walked upstairs with Becky behind me carrying Lily.

I opened the spare room and turned on the lights.

"So there's the bathroom, you can use my stuff there, shampoo, soap and everything you need is there. I'll go and get you some clothes to borrow.

I took some of my clothes and look for something that could Lily use too and went back to them.

"Here. I guess Lily can use my niece's clothes that she left when she came to visit." I said and put them on the table side.

"Thank you so much. You've done so much for us." Becky thanked.

"No worries. Uhm I'll leave you two. Goodnight." I said and left the room.

Becky's POV

I put Lily on the bed since she fell asleep. Later on, while I was removing her shoes she stirred and started crying. I was expecting that since it's new and different to her eyes.

"Mommy." Lily cried and clung onto me.

"Shhhh baby. Don't cry Mommy's here." I cooed.

"No, I don't like it here." Lily cried.

"Baby. Remember Y/N, the kind lady who gave us food? She let us stay with her in her house that's why we're here." I gently said rubbing her back. Lily stopped crying and she looked around.

"It's beautiful, right? We're safe here. Mommy won't leave you." I said and kissed her.

"Wanna go and take a bubble bath with Mommy? Let's get cleaned up." I said. Lily smiled and nodded continously.

I looked for a liquid body soap in the bathroom and prepared the bath for me and Lily. I put a little bit of hot water so Lily won't get cold.

We both had a bath and played with the bubbles. I never had a bath for a very long time and it felt nice to feel the water on my body. As we finished, I helped Lily change her clothes and dried our hair. An hour later, Lily already had fallen asleep on the bed.

I tucked her in and cuddled her until she fell on her deep sleep. I slowly got up and took our dirty clothes in the basket near the bathroom. Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Can I come in?" Y/N asked as I slowly opened the door.

"Of course." I said and I signalled her that Lily already fell asleep and Y/N smiled.

" So guys are okay here?" Y/N asked and I nodded.

"She actually cried a while ago but I already explained it to her carefully." I said.

"She really looks like you, Becky." Y/N said and I smiled because she was absolutely right.

"I love her so much." I said as I looked at my adorable daughter.

"Uhm where is her father?" Y/N asked and I knew that she would ask.

"Uhh I didn't know that her father already has a family when I started dating him. I was 18 and he was 29. When I got pregnant, he didn't accept us. He kept telling me that Lily is not his. When he confessed to me that he is already married and with a family, I did not beg for him. I raised Lily on my own. I was really young, I almost give up and kill myself but when I welcomed Lily I realized that I have reasons to live. The sad thing is that I couldn't give her the life that she deserve." I said and started to tear up.

"You really have a rough life but atleast you have a wonderful daughter with you. You are her family." Y/N said and smiled at me.

Later on, Y/N went to her room. I slept in the bed with Lily. It felt so good to feel the soft mattress and pillows. I already forgot how it feels to have a comfortable bed. I drifted to cleep while cuddling Lily.

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